A final plea for Classic+, not TBC

hahaha… i can’t believe you think more people would quit for TBC. Most people want TBC. More people will come back for TBC. I wager that Shadowlands will take a hit because of TBC.

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Content locusts gonna locust. People leaving SL (temporarily) to consume TBC content is really not saying much.

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Nah, they’ll just reset Classic back to P1. And tell you all if you want a ‘persistent’ experience to switch to Retail.

((Because Retail makes them more money; WoW Tokens (sold for coin to get geared quickly), Cash Shop, Tournaments (because pillar humping is apparently a ‘must see’ event).))

I think it’s more comical that you’re using the same argument that you’re trying to discredit in this statement.

not even alliteration can save it.


Fleshing those out would be cool, but the Kara we had in TBC is one of the best raids ever made. If “vanilla Kara” is different, it would be a bad move.

You don’t have an Arcane Resist set? :stuck_out_tongue:

The reason that I would want classic+ is the fact that classic is just a different game. I started playing wow in wrath, but I was never super into the game, I played off and on and messed around. When classic came out I dedicated much more time and really felt invested in the game. I would love to keep classic wow gameplay, with new raids and battlegrounds. And then we can vote on things like class changes and balancing. It seems like a good solution.

But first we should go through tbc and wrath. The fans of those expansions deserve their time in the sun. And I’d love to experience them.


Yes let’s have classic+ where a bunch of specs are dead in the water. Sounds fun right?

Tbc is love, tbc is life. This is the way.

Blizzard cuts content all the time in retail, they don’t have the man power to make anything extra in classic. I would love to see it, but it is 100% never going to happen. Don’t get your hopes up.

It’s pretty simple, and has been stated a thousand times before:
Would Activation spend millions of dollars and thousands of man-hours on new development or would they do an easy cash-grab rehash?
We wont get classic plus, TBC fresh, free char copies, museum servers, or some other abstract idea, because of one very simple reason; its more profitable to rehash.
Expect classic servers to roll into TBC servers, nothing less.
I doubt they will even open up new servers, and instead rely on old-faithful layering again.

Why do you people insist on making the same thread over and over again.

TBC IS CLASSIC+. Removing the new level cap from TBC content, or any later xpac content, doesn’t somehow make it better. That’s all Classic+ would be; it would be content that’s already been done, story that’s already been told, but now you’re vanilla level 60 instead. Amazing, so worth.

Classic+ is the flat Earth society of this forum. You people are a joke.

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No TBC, I’m out.

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Gotta be a retail dev on his personal account. No one who played vanilla, TBC, wrath is going to share this brainwashed opinion. You losers ruined an amazing, timeless game. I hope you sleep well at night, commie clucks. The only thing that is an improvement is Arena/rated BG. The rest of your list was/is what ruined the game.


What the hell are you talking about?


No. The games evolve in wildly different directions with development principles antithetical to each other. That’s what we are asking for, even as we know we won’t get it, not some lazy content rehash.

And it can’t be done. It WON’T be done, but that kind of project has succeeded in the past. Again, OSRS.


Nah. In total, it’d be around 4-5 years of development. They start the very base groundwork for the game world, populate it with trees, shrubs, buildings, etc, and then they start actually populating it. From there comes animations, pathing…

It’s a very long process that is basically 1.5-2 expansions in the making, from everything i’ve gathered over the years.

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Not at all. Runescape is not an expansion to OSRS, and you know it, you disingenuous rat. There is not content to add to WoW that hasn’t already been done over the past 15 years. TBC itself IS the continuation of vanilla that was turned into a full xpac. Doing this content tuned to vanilla 60 rather than at whatever the level cap was when the content released does not make it somehow better.

I challenge anyone to describe Classic+ without describing content from some other xpac, but now you clear it at level 60. Apply a shred of thought to your ideas.

There was plenty of content that was scrapped during the Vanilla development. You can begin with that.

We didn’t get a 40-man Karazhan raid, or an Azshara battleground, or the Hyjal zone.

You can say “that is future expansion content” but is it really? The Hyjal we got in Cataclysm has almost nothing to do with the NPCless maps we were given to play around in Vanilla. Karazhan stopped being the followup to Naxxramas and became a standalone 10-man raid. TBC development isn’t the logical conclusion to Vanilla development, Vanilla development stopped being a thing once TBC came.


No, Runescape 3 is an expansion to Runescape 2.

What OSRS did was go back to Runescape 2 as it was in 2007 and ignore everything that came after it. Then they developed new content. New quests. New storylines. New plot developments. That is what Classic+ would be, not some lazy content rehash. What happened during TBC should have no influence on what happens in Classic+.

And I do understand it will never happen, mostly because Blizzard as it is today isn’t capable of doing it, but wishing for it is very reasonable considering OSRS’s success with the same formula.


Most people talking about TBC don’t necessarily oppose having a Classic+ (subject to certain caveats about Blizz’s capability to do it right)… they just don’t think it’ll ever happen. We’ve been saying this since before the Classic beta.

That’s where I stand, anyway. I’d bet a large sum of money we’ll get TBC rather than Classic+.

Turns out Classic+ is NOT “the only way”.

Go raid naxxramas and enjoy what we have now. Let tomorrow take care of itself.

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