A FFXIV Player's view of the WoW Player's Mentality

and you are calling me cancer? LMAO

If you think you get to be a non productive mass inside my group then yeah thats pretty much a cancer.

Thankfully we have to tools to address you

The difference between you and me is, I’m mentally equipped to handle the PUG scene. You are not. You don’t seem to understand what teamwork means. It means…working as a team. If you can’t hold up your end then you will be removed, to the benefit of everyone else. Vote kicking is usually seen as a last resort. Most would PREFER to help you understand what you’re doing wrong first. But you wouldn’t even allow that, so…


You don’t seem like it. You think you should be able to point out anything everyone does and tell them what they need to do. That is not your job, it is more respectful to speak as the group as a whole, and if that does not work. Kick the trouble elements.

If you can’t respect players enough to understand it is a pug settings. You should not be doing it.

It is really simple.

If anyone shouldn’t be in the pug setting, it’s you. You are the problem. And YOU have no respect for other players’ time.

Respect? That’s rich with someone whose refusing to respect the other members of their group by trying to get better or performing a task in a dungeon when asked.

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And being a meter maid is a bannable offense.

From the words of Kherin in here everything in FF14 is bannable. Every community looks good when theyre strapped down by fear

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That is laughable that you think players should meet your standards that are not in your guild. That you think making a pug group, that you have the right to tell others how to play. You are doing a pug group, and trying to get better? Do that with your guild.

You can still have what you want without pointing to a person.

After playing both for so long, FF XIV does have a friendlier and better community. I find that those who say otherwise, are usually those who try their toxic mentality from WoW to begin with. While both games do have their problem players, I see it more in WoW. Perfect example is from last night.

Went to go do the one Plague dungeon. Tank wasn’t picking up adds, yelling at the healer to keep up even though the healer was getting hit with aggro. Was getting mad that he couldn’t brute force some of the bosses. He tried kicking the healer but when they were unsuccessful they rage quit. When we got a replacement tank, everything went faster overall because they waited for the healer and did encounter mechanics properly.

I find that WoW players have no patience. As a side effect they get more snippy and then that flows downwards to others. So then overall the community as a whole becomes less patient with each other. While in FF XIV, they will actually stop to help you and work together to figure out a dungeon or boss. The only time I’ve seen true ‘toxicity’ is in the 24 man Alliance raids. Which is unsurprising since FF XIV Alliance raids are their version of WoW’s LFR.

Yeah, I’ve never really argued that the community is better in some ways. I truly believe that it is. But it’s not all sunshines and rainbows, which was the point I was trying to make earlier.

and you’ll keep wiping because you don’t want to do mechanics.

yay! such an amazing community.


I’m going to assume you’ve never actually played FF14.

It’s genuinely hard to get banned unless you’re accustomed to behaving like an anti-social brat. Can’t imagine what game would give you the impression that is acceptable! Why would you even play the game in the genre where the expectation that you’re going to be social is literally in the genre’s title?

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I mean that is fine with me. It won’t bother me because you don’t know how to show respect to players. I’m still going to have my fun even with us wiping. lol

you clearly demonstrated here that you are not worth respecting. and not willing to do anything to earn respect.

Karens deserve to get kicked out.

I don’t expect any standards from people in a pug, but I do expect you to do your job and pull your own weight. When I do decide to pug, I’m not there to pull your dead weight through the dungeon. That’s not fun for me. If you’re not going to respect my time, then what respect do you think you deserve? Respect isn’t a one way street.

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I mean, people who don’t even know how to handle other players in a pug setting. Talking to me about respect, when you don’t even have a basic grasp on how to handle a group that is not doing what it needs to do.

and wow community thinks they are just as good as Realm Reborn? LMAO

Not being a jerk is pretty easy for me to do, unless I’m provoked. I guess I’ve been provoked in this thread a bit. At most I will post a “…” or “-_-” in chat if things aren’t going well. Or I will leave in silence. “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all”. I have never been reported in FF XIV, and I don’t stay silent all the time. But I also tread carefully, and that is something everyone needs to do there.

Absolutely have. Took my Dragoon all the way through shadowbringer. Had to relive those Kain Highwind days

I dont doubt this. I was poking fun at the toxic cancer in here calling for reports to anyone who so much as looks at them wrong. Ive had bad interactions in FF14 just as i have in WoW. I dont consider either playerbase to be toxic. Khaerin in here is just a bad representation to the FF14 fanbase. Hope others dont see them as all being a clown like her


FF14 has the most passive aggressive community I have ever seen. It’s this weird “niceness” that never feels genuine. It also has the worst fanbase skillwise I have ever seen. People are terrible at that game and they don’t care to improve.