A FFXIV Player's view of the WoW Player's Mentality

If they weren’t afraid of being reported, most people wouldn’t have an issue with offering advice in FF XIV. What Khaelyn (oh no, I called them out!) doesn’t seem to understand is that such advice usually isn’t given out of malice. It is given to help better the player or help move things along so people can move on with their day. I don’t see how being better or moving on to other things is bad in an MMO. It only improves the experience of the one receiving advice and those they come into contact with later.

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Reminds me of a cross of Pleasantville and Stepford Wives.

Thinks back to the days of heavy endgame and the level of vitriol

The community over there is a glossy veneer… hiding a dark secret.

I left because the theory crafting was crap. Logs showing my character solo healing stuff that should not be solo healed… but I’m “doing it wrong” and “you can’t have logs so you’re lying”.

When your healer is out dpsing your top DPS on a regular basis, the tanks/heals getting blamed for people dying, and you can’t say anything?

After years of play… sub cancelled… I’m not a babysitter and your feelings don’t kill bosses

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This comment reminds me of the old days, when players was upset with Twinks. The twinks would say. “it is not about owning players, it is about facing other Twinks.”. It made me laugh out loud so hard. Changes happen and…well rest is history.

I have the right to express my opinion of how you’re playing and I can give you my opinion of how to improve. You don’t get to decide who can or can not give an opinion or when. But this is a good example of how crappy the community is in FFXIV.

It’s sheer arrogance to think you’re enjoyment is more important then the other players in a group. They’re enjoyment of the game is just as important as yours.


You can have the right to do it, just like i have the right to report you for harassing. I did not ask for your advice and don’t need it, your advice will not make me have more fun.

Somewhat agree, I think as WoW ages the veterans die off and we get left with a bit of the scum from that.

Tolerance and patience is key and having an understanding of the situation at hand is critical; I have personally kicked folks from parties or voted folks out but I try to explain why “Hey man, your DPS isn’t quite cutting it for this skip; we tried a couple of times and I don’t see it working out, check out XYZ tools to improve” or for tanks I’ll generally mark if they are new / and let them take it at their own pace and educate between pulls.

However there is a time and a place for such things, shouldn’t be having those sorta problems in the more competitive content; especially where resources could be lost. It can be frustrating to be dealing with players like that in a +10 Mythic or Heroic raid and walking them through all the steps and really should be discussed up-front or that individual forms the group themselves.

I can guarantee you; if you mess up hard in an extreme primal fight, the fingers start getting really pointy in FFXIV and the players don’t all have the tools or the permission from the ToC to really handle that in a positive manner by any means and instead folks get kicked or the party disbanded entirely because they are not allowed to communicate who is being problematic.

It’s a “nicer” community but it’s like going into the 'burbs; everyone appears nice on the surface but a ton of ****-talking occurs behind the scenes.

I think also some of it has to do with the fact that FFXIV just has much more content to do than WoW (weirdly enough); players don’t get burnt out doing one particular piece of content over and over.

  • Fates
  • Golden Saucer activities
  • Triple Triad card farming
  • Endless dungeons
  • Duty Finder dailies
  • Alliance raids
  • Static raids
  • Primal Extremes
  • Relic farming
  • Player housing activities
  • Cosmetic farming
  • PvP
  • Treasure Maps
  • Bounties
  • Deep crafting
  • Leveling a different job

When players are less burnt out they generally spend less time caring about perfection and can tolerate mistakes; FFXIV content challenges are generally a bit more forgiving also, it won’t be 1 guy causing all the pain and you can usually carry about 20% of the team if the remaining 80% are really good.

It’s not just the WoW communities job to establish good player-ethics but the underlying systems need to be flexible enough to have some slack where needed.

And others have the right to report you for forcing your playstyle on them. Most wouldn’t though. You would just get removed and they would forget about you in 20 minutes.

You are the worst lol.

That is some dumb logic. Me not telling you how to play, or what to do is forcing play style?

I’m surprised there isn’t twitch emote in both games. You all need need a fresh air.

Whoever is selling popcorn in this thread is filthy rich now.

It is, because you are telling people that your playstyle is more important than what the group needs. That is forcing it on them.

I soooooooo wish this was just yet another random general forum troll.

But this nonsensical attitude is unfortunately commonplace in pug, all the time…

the community spent a lot of time and effort creating tools, addons and video to help people instead of keeping all that information secret… yet whenever you try to help a casual joe you’Re bombarded with ‘’ I shouldn’t have to install X or watch Y video to play!‘’

Of course, those people are also on the lower end of the skill spectrum and probably don’t even realize they are being carried.

It’s not my place to teach you? Well I don’t feel like carrying you either. so vote kick it is!


And this is usually how it’s resolved. lol Or the group completely falls apart.

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Yeah Id kick that asap. That cancerous mentality has no place in a group. Even pugs deserve better than that vile mentality

Wow, count me the hell out. That sounds like garbage.

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Not my fault you did a pick up group? If you don’t want to deal with that. Make a guild group.

You harassing players is not my concern. Your fun in said pug scene again not my problem. The only right you have is to kick.

Now if you want to give advice to the overall group, and be respectful to players. I will listen, but going hey priest you need to dispell that. I’m going to be like, Hey hunter, no thanks.

You didn’t have to join the pick up group either. It goes both ways, sir/madam/etc. The difference is, I’m mentally equipped to handle the PUG scene. You are not.

You can use them yourself, you just can’t use them to harass or belittle other players really. Sort of a don’t ask, don’t tell policy to combat toxicity.

Or punt you for being a cancer

Much easier

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I did not, but i don’t go in expecting or harassing players for not doing what they need to. Key part to that. i know my place, and you don’t.