A FFXIV Player's view of the WoW Player's Mentality

I love FFXIV dearly. I love wow too. There is a heavy crossover in the population. The same people on Balmung also play on Moon Guard or Wyrmrest Accord. The experience for each game socially is really going to be built on whom you happen to encounter. Personally, I’ve had the opposite experience as the OP. FFXIV was the greatest solo player mmo of all time whereas wow is where I play when I want to play with other actual people.

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As much as this is going to be a ‘beat a dead horse’ sort of thing, I blame the faction system and addons.

FFXIV has everyone playing together and everyone is seen as equals together, the game is cooperative for the most part with very little in the way of people being pitted against one another. Look at the… what’sitcalled… The rare spawn trains where people will gather in huge groups to chase down the Tough Enemy Near You thingy. I’m sorry I’m forgetting the name; it’s one of those things a lowbie in FFXIV will post about, where they get their first view of a high level group all chasing the spawns. Swooping in, killing it, and then just an explosion of flying mounts before they run off to the next one; often collecting that lowbie into the mix and pulling them along with for loot or just XP in the mix.

WoW, intrinsically, works competitively. We’re pitted against one another in a lot of ways and that sort of mentality goes not just across factions (with orc players calling human players terrible because of the race they chose) but even within the factions themselves where someone trying to join a group for even normal dungeon level content will be insulted for not being ‘good enough’ for whatever arbitrary reason. So this leads to everyone being angry at each other all the time and not wanting to stick their neck out. Add in things like Warmode where; say for example I’m out trying to level and someone on the other side of the zone is getting camped… they’ll shriek in General Chat about how no one is helping them, as if its somehow my fault that you in the northeast corner are getting slaughtered and I should drop what I’m doing to mount up, run through a bunch of mobs, around inclines I can’t climb, to get… probably killed because it goes from 5v1 to 5v2.

Add into that things like gearscore back in the day, and raider io or whatever addon it is now that ranks people by whatever numerical attribute it wants without actually caring for the context of how or why. Imagine returning to the game in the x.3 patch, having not done a Mythic+ since x.0 and wanting to jump in… Well suddenly you’re trying to get a group with people who expect you to have a #### ranking that you just… don’t have. And working your way back into the system players have created for themselves on what’s ‘acceptable’ as a player takes either a lot of work and people giving you a chance, or friends that’ll help grind it out. (And then we get back into the whole faction thing where if you’re on Alliance side finding a group can be tough because there’s just less overall players pushing harder content due to funneling, etcetc.)

FFXIV feels like a game you play with friends to accomplish a goal. It ain’t perfect, but it’s wholesome that way. WoW is a game where you’re fighting to survive against limited resources and even the guy next to you who’s your friend… Well, think back to the old style of tagging mobs where you were straight up competing with anyone not in your own group; glad that’s slacked a bit…

I still try and help if I see someone needs it. I still buff random people passing me on my Priest. I’ll charge in and join combat to kill a mob as I’m passing 90% of the time, but… Most people I see out there are competition, not friends.

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By your standards “harrassing others” seems to mean nothing more than "being less than perfectly pleasant at all times (serious stepford wives vibes).

I left of my own accord, and it really wasn’t the community. It was the sub par gameplay.

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That’s fine, you do you. But I bet you get salty when you get reported and kicked out of literally everything. Oooh the delicious irony.

Telling other players what they need to do is harassing.

I know this might be a strange thing for a community like this, but if you want to give advice. Give it to the group overall. Tell the group what it needs to do, pointing out to lets say the DK that he needs to do so and so, is consider rude. It puts people on the spot, and said DK does not have to listen to you. And if players still don’t do what said. Than kick them, but telling so and so players that they need to do something? Get out with that lol.

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Well, when it is NOT the group but one person…something needs to be addressed. Sorry that a party setting is not a safe space.


I’m from Balmung too! Tentacle wave

Soooo this is awkward

Reminds me of when I was trying out FFXIV and leveling a new job I’d only just picked up. I had no idea how the class mechanics worked and someone was helpful enough to explain it to me in a random dungeon. I’d never met this person, but they were right and as soon as I tried to do it their way the rotation for the class flowed so much better.

I’m gonna guess most people learn not to interact with you real quick tho, all on their own.


I’m gonna go ahead and guess that when you were a kid and the teacher told you off for doing something wrong that you would cry to your parents and they would get angry at the teacher for daring to criticize their darling angel.


No, when you que into a group activity and put forth no effort to understand mechanics or perform, you’re wasting everyone else’s time. You’re not magically deserving of someone else’s time to explain it, either. And If they get mad, for having to do their job AND tell you how to do YOURS, well that’s the one thing you do deserve.


Only to someone with reading comprehension issues.

In a queue system with pugs. No player has a right to tell others how to play. Do you think a pick up group means that you have that power? I’m not in your guild. I don’t have to play by anyone standards.

The only right you have as group leader is to kick me. That is it. Telling me what I need to do? Not your place.

You are full of it. I very really ran into anyone toxic on FF14.

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Some of the best friends ive met in this game were those who took the time to help me improve. Being able to look at yourself and know you have room for growth is a great quality in a person. And being willing to help others grow is another

Im glad everyone isnt a Karen who reports others on a whim for trying to help players. That would lead to a very cancerous community


Remember boys and girls:

If you meet someone and they’re a jerk… they might be a jerk. (Or they might just be having a bad day, be kind and patient to everyone!)

If everyone you meet is a jerk… It’s probably you.


Well, this is the type of toxicity I was referring to earlier that takes place in FF XIV…

Some people act just like the Twitter mob.

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My experience between the two in a nutshell:

In wow, you’ll get yelled at for pulling too slow.

In FFXIV, you’ll get yelled at for pulling too fast (even when the party’s resources are barely being tapped)

Different vibes for sure, but toxic is still toxic. My SO got so excited to tank in FF because he enjoyed the look of his character and the mechanics of his class. But that enthusiasm was slowly squashed from levels 15-35 or so until he finally quit, because in I dunno … something like half the dungeons I didn’t heal, he would get viscously berated if he pulled more than one pack at a time, even when he was clearly fine. Not just ‘hey, I’m new to healing so if you could take it slow I’d appreciate it!’ but straight to insults. It was a bizarre reversal on WoW’s environment.


I’m not gonna lie, I was initially a little peeved at it because, well… I dunno, I guess I was in a mood that day and felt kinda like a “Don’t tell me what to do!” Karen in that moment. (It was Aurum Vale, you can guess why I was in a mood) But then I tried it, and I made sure before we finished up for helping because it was working better. I apologized for having A Mood.

And really, I quite liked that job once I knew what I was doing!

Who said that everyone I meet is a jerk? In fact I made friends with people in a pug setting because I hold by the same standards and I speak for the group not calling people out. And people said it was the most fun they had learning with each other because noone pointed at each other what they did wrong.

This thread alone is proof that, the community has a rot in it. You assume much, and failed.

Looking right at it.