A FFXIV Player's view of the WoW Player's Mentality

I’m not going to defend the toxic scumbags of the FFXIV community, but I will say that in ~2 years of Stormblood I have met exactly 2 of them in pugs. Which is unfortunately a much better track record than my last 2 years of BfA. :frowning:

I wish Blizzard’s banhammer was heavier and flung more often.

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This is just an aside, but…there’s a good chance that some people are more willing to travel out of their way to give you a rez in FFXIV because there’s an achievement for doing so which eventually rewards the caster with a Title:

The Kindness of Strangers V
Resurrect a player who is not in your party or alliance 200 times.
Title: Good Samaritan

When large groups of people were running massive numbers of FATES in Coerthas prior to the release of Heavensward, players would stumble over each other trying to rez all of the dead they could find in anticipation of getting that achievement. Someone just had to toss up the coordinates to their corpse, and a bunch of people would immediately hop on their mounts and go zooming in that direction so that they could add one more to the counter.

I’m not saying that there aren’t friendly folks around who’d stop everything to locate and resurrect an unfortunate player out of the goodness of their heart…but there is an in-game incentive for doing so, which might be why it’s much more common for people to resurrect random strangers in the middle of nowhere in FFXIV. I can imagine that more people might be willing to do the same in WoW if there were rewards/achievements for it.

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Achievements aside, WoW’s community is as toxic a one as you can find in an MMORPG. Even in full-loot games, people tend to band together and assist one another (out of necessity, but I digress) more than what you see here.

I wouldn’t even describe WoW’s community as cynical or tribal - rather, it’s basically hedonistic nihilism; not only is everyone as crass and rude as they can possibly be at all times, they go out of their own way to out-meme one another while “scoring points,” and do everything possible to erode whatever normal ties exist.

There are definitely reasons to play WoW over FFXIV - PvP, despite the sorry state it’s in, being just one - but community doesn’t make the list (unless, of course, you revel in hurting your fellow man).

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Nope. If you need help in solo content because you don’t know your limitations it is far better you just learn them instead of wasting other people’s time.

Personal opinion here, and I’ve never played final fantasy or anything but just saying. Even as an mmo, should we all just expect everybody to help everybody when we do something stupid out in the world? :woman_shrugging:t2: I don’t think so, but when somebody helps then that nice of them. Not a “get good” thing but more like… “just run back to your corpse and stop being lazy I guess” thing.

As someone who’s been in WoW since 2006 and FFXIV since it launched…

This view of the communities is a little warped, but also somewhat correct.

There is a split in both games:

Casual and raiders.

In WoW, the casual community - as in EVERYONE before Heroic Raid tier… is a total [expletive deleted] cesspool of [expletive so bad even a stand up comedian winced]…

WoW’s pre “raider” community is full of the most toxic people in any MMO I’ve played to date, and I started with these things in their ‘precursor days’ of MUDs in the late 1980s.

FFXIV’s ‘Casual’ community - as in EVERYONE before Savage raiding, is extremely friendly, helpful, but a bit weird and obsessed with ‘/slash fan fic and getting dresses and thong bikinis for MALE characters’ while complaining about when they show up for females even if they show up for both, which they do.

But as soon as you hit raiding it flips.

WoW’s raiding community for me, outside of one single tier during Cataclysm, has always been super helpful, full of mentoring and second, third, fourth, and more chances for people not holding up their end. If you tried, they’d make an excuse to keep helping you… I’ve seen so many “slow bus” players turn into really good performers in WoW just because somebody in the raid took the time to help them out. It’s… weird… because these great folks exist two steps away from a toxic wasteland.

WoW’s raiding community has beat out the friendliness of every MMO I’ve ever played, with the possible exception of ‘world boss farm groups’ in City of Heroes.

(and now a moment of silence for the best MMO ever that was killed before it’s time…)

FFXIV’s raider community… seems to be taken for the absolute worst of WoW’s casual community. And then taken out back and beat around a bit more just to make them meaner…

The most vile set of jerks I’ve seen have all been in FFXIV savage raids. These are the people that will parse your runs and drop you for being 1% below ‘top rankings’ on a single night, regardless of any other performance. If you are lucky you just log in that day to find you’ve been removed, blocked, banned from the discord, and unfriended. If you’re not lucky they publicize it to every other guild they can and then start trolling you in community discords and anywhere else they can without being banned by the game’s admins…

They level of attitude in FFXIV savage raiding is just… bad…

So… Overall, if you can stomach the process of getting up to raid tier in WoW, or hide in a guild until you do, it’s better here.

In FFXIV, you play through this wonderful nice shiny happy with bunnies and rainbows experience, and one day you step through a door and get mugged, beat down, and spat upon, and told to like it. And you’re only recourse is to go back to the casual content or become even meaner than they were.

What? I play FFXIV, too, and people are even more solo-oriented than they are in WoW due to FFXIV being a single player game with social areas. What I will give FFXIV’s community is more patience; never had to fill in a dungeon spot after someone ragequits following a wipe. But that’s also due to the nature of the game because FFXIV players know it’s not a time-efficient “pick up for 30 minute session” experience.

So basically you’re manacled to other players. Doesn’t sound very fun to me.

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The first step to having a better community, is the removal of cross realm, limiting it to the sister servers that already allow trade, and guild invites to be the only ones present in its shards.

If this is not done, any attempt at building a community will likely yield little to no results.

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FFXIV seems to be more of a mature community. Still has it’s problems but nowhere near as bad as WoW.


play both games heavily and have for years, in terms of ff14 i’m one of the more respected mentors on the primal data center let alone exodus where i play and i’ll tell you flat out both communities have their toxic elements while the toxic element in wow comprises a larger percentage of the player base, the toxic element in ff14 is far more severe and degenerative for the overall long term health of the game such as the priest filling this thread with their silliness(seriously what kind of inferiority complex do you have to suffer from to consider any attempt at direct teaching harassment)

10 bucks say’s this priest plays on the crystal data center where this mentality is so rampant that as of right now they will finish shadowbringers with fewer savage clears on the entire expansion then the 2 raiding data centers saw in just the first 2 months of the expansions first tier but no keep thinking the players trying to kindly teach are the problem lol.

Everyone is a mentor in RR now eh. sighs the fact you don’t even understand the basics of wow and how players treat each other when it comes to giving advice shows you are clueless.

Bad play definitely exists in WoW. Queue for LFR once it’s out.

i’m clueless eh? lol sorry but which one of us is delusional enough to think that in a game that INCENTIVIZES experienced players teaching(albeit nicely and gently) inexperienced players that the act of doing so regardless of how professional it’s done should be reported?

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FFXIV has more helpful people in the questing, sure. You can usually get a lot of help from rad people. Never had any issue with the casual side of the game…which the same could be said for WoW too. I spent 2 hours with a bunch of randoms (at least 20 people) last night at 2am, making colored slimes so we could kill rares in Maldraxxus.

Two hours of people working together to get the colors right, make sure everyone got the rare, etc. Even people that joined late, we would go back and get the rare they missed for them as well.

Again, this is the type of thing you see in XIV all the time too.

Now, once you start delving into ANY content aside from basic faceroll dungeons and Alliance Raids, people are BEYOND toxic in FFXIV.

Back in ARR, I remember grinding out the EX primals. I had got to Ifrit on my BLM finally after like 2 weeks of Titan EX grinding. 3rd try I believe, but we had a BRD who berated me for a good 5 mins because my DPS was a little low. Didn’t try and help, didn’t give me any tips…hell the guy didn’t even just ask if I could get swapped out.

I got called every name in the book, told I was a piece of garbage, that I should uninstall the game, etc. And the rest of the party sat back and just watched this dude. No one did anything.

Now you may be thinking “get over it, it’s just the internet”, but man, I suffer from massive anxiety, depression, and PTSD from the Army…and that really, really made me feel like pure garbage. Like I should just uninstall the game and never play it again, because I didn’t want to run the risk of running into people like that again. It wasn’t worth it to me.

I still play of course. And there are toxic people in WoW, sure. But XIV is definitely not some bastion of nice, kind, helpful people that go out of their way to help you and work together. Lol. Not even close. And in all of my years playing WoW (since launch), I have never had an issue that bad.

Usually in WoW I just have to deal with immature “adults” and trolls.


i’m sorry you had that experience titan ex was a bit of a nightmare when it first came out but that doesn’t warrant that kind of nonsense and an utter lack of common decency

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So it’s LFR. And in FF14 I was usually able to impart on people that if they didn’t do their rotations CORRECTLY we’d never complete the given boss we were dealing with because dying wouldn’t magically make the fight easier.

Eh, the hardcore Final Fantasy nerds who play FF14 can be insufferable in the extreme.

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I started with FF11 in 03. Played both WoW and FF11 and then FF14 until now. FF’s community is 10x what WoW’s is.

The combat and PvP are horrendous though, so I switch back to WoW once I’ve done the superior story content of FF.

Don’t care, didn’t read.

I play WoW and I don’t even care what other WoW players think about this game. Why would anyone care what FFers think?

Because it has superior elements that could make WoW a better overall MMO.

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