A FFXIV Player's view of the WoW Player's Mentality

And there’s a lot of elements of WoW I like better too though.

Both games have tried to take things from each other (though it seems nowadays more so it’s WoW trying to catch up).

Honestly though, I don’t want them the same. Then it’s just “how weeb are you?” being the deciding factor on which game you want to play.

They should stay different. It’s one of the reasons I still go back and play XI. There’s nothing else really like it.

I was on Balmung too but have since stopped playing FFXIV because Shadowlands looks promising.

That’s a useless argument. If WoW devs wanted to put in FF elements, fine…but why would they do so because a few people say what you say. It’s their game, they want to keep WoW as WoW.

If you want those “superior elements”, go play that game. People can choose without trying to make everything just like other things. See how that works?

Different makes the world go around.


The “git good” mentality makes people stronger. If you know you need to get better you improve yourself. Telling people that they’re fine and there’s no need for them to get good is how you get certain raiders who stood in fire back in vanilla to be dragged along into those nightmare Ulduar 25’s groups by the time WotLK hit which I was briefly apart of.

Not being allowed to just bluntly tell people they suck and they need to stop sucking to stop wasting our time just froze progression. Gee I wonder why we died to this boss for the 100th time again, what hasn’t changed guys? Had to join a different group that wasn’t scared to improve its players to get my yog kills. It might have been fine in vanilla when you had 40 player raids and a core group of 15 could carry the rest but each time Blizzard shrinks that raid cap more and more responsibility is placed on the individual player.

M+ especially. Even mage towers. So many mouthy players that think they’re hot can’t even do a single mage tower challenge. While I’m doing them on alts I barely played and barely geared up. I wish every expansion had something like those mage towers that people could wear as a permanent trophy. Cause TBH not all of the classes had good appearances I’d actually use. Plus not many people probably got to play during Legion because they decided to skip it.

This game just needs more ways to show that someone is capable on their own and didn’t just get carried. It’d probably stop a lot of the toxicity if there was a solo challenge you could just tackle on your own and then use that achievement to get into the harder group content. Since you can group for visions and torgast I guess we have to keep waiting…


i like the WoW community just fine, idk why ffxiv players always feel the need to compare the two. Just enjoy what you enjoy.

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They’ve already been taking ideas from SE for a while now.

My favourite is you’re fighting the rare mob guarding an objective and your faction mate sneaks in and ninja’s the objective leaving you to kill the rare and wait for them both to re spawn.

I have nps with the the faction trying it on I’m flagged and up for a fight.

There really needs to be an all factions PvP setting in this day and age of every person for themselves.

You are comparing the noise and life of a village to a big city. Is it going to be a bit friendlier and more wholesome in a village? Probably. Smaller numbers mean people rely on each other a bit more and you do develop a certain sense of community. I live in the Aussie version of a smallish country environment and I can chat to strangers while waiting for the bus and I won’t get looked at like I’m a nutter or ignored. I am less likely to try it it in a major city.

FF14 is, compared to WoW, a village environment. Nobody really should expect the WoW community to behave like the Final Fantasy community because you are comparing apples and oranges. And that is why guilds and community groups are the main source of that communal environment. These people you see every day of play and talk to every day are going to be more friendlfy and helpful than one of a few thousand strangers.


And other games have copied WoW for years. /shrug

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Fixed :stuck_out_tongue:
WoW is a mishmash of so many RPGs, JRPGs and tabletop games.
One doesn’t even need to look far to find Oblivion elements in the game…
Cata event: Darkspears taking back Echo islands shares many similar qualities of the Hist Calling back the Argonians to defend their Blackmarsh home.

Even Phantasy Star elements are easy to spot - even Lunar (1 & 2) are there. Not the cheesy pop culture throw ins, but elements, ranging from story telling to combat, class styles, gear progression and many others “borrowed” from other games helped build WoW to what it is, for better and for worse.

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You said why would anyone care what FFers think. Blizzard obviously does and they want to maintain market share. FFXI players said the same thing and then we got FFXIV which borrowed a lot of elements from WoW and became the #2 sub MMO on the market. They respect and borrow ideas from one another and it makes both games better.

I just think that’s a good thing. If there wasn’t competition with good systems, WoW would stagnate.

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OP your problem is that you started in WoD. Had you started earlier in WoW’s existence, your perspective might be different.

Wow required and encouraged group play until this group of no-talent butchers rose to power and took over WoW. They have since devoted their efforts to undoing everything their predecessors did and replacing it with multi-layered systems, fewer player choices and oversimplified class builds. For the past two expansions and continuing evidently, the devs are in love with rental power. Cross-realm breaking up WoW communities; time-gating and Pathfinder; now they have taken levels away from players (!!!) and are completely out of ideas.

When did this change happen?


Pandaria was the last great expac.

I hope Blizzard gives everyone and, especially players like you who came along late in the game, the opportunity to play WoW’s prior expansions. In those days we had much more of a community. Everyone you saw was on your server. Server communities were much tighter in those days. Cross-realms have really done much to destroy that.

I’m not evening going to read the comment and going to just reply to you op.
I also join WoW in Legion and start FF14 last month

I’m still very new to FF14. Only a month in and I’m starting over. lol.

But. In WoW, we join a lfd and we start rushing that it. Last boss everyone moves on. Most the time then not, no one says a thing.

In FF14 everyone joins and everyone say hi. Sometime people say they never done said dungeon. People will give advise. Then after last boss some people will say tyfp. And yes, people rush but trash is easily aoe down… And the cool thing is FF14 have a commendations that you can give one to someone in your group at the end (If they don’t exit before you can)

I agree that people are nicer in FF14. Sure there toxic people but not what I seen. Also rez can be used in combat and it so easy to rez. Thank good for that. lol


I think alot of this stems from the structure of each games end game pve. The higher up youngo in wow, the more relevant and necessary guilds become. With savage in 14, it’s only ever an 8 man, and generally speaking there really isnt rotating out of memebers and instead you essentially have your “static” (admittedly a term I never used in mmos before 14, and I’ve been playing this genre for nearly 2 decades). The reason it gets so stern in 14 is because the burden of performance is much more pronounced in an 8 man setting in combination with how 14 handles very strict mechanics where little slack can be carried by others if everyone isnt at 100 percent.

Your mileage may vary. I found the FFXIV community to be passive aggressive and obsessed with defending every dumpster fire the game has rather than talking about ways to improve the game…in a game that was so bad at the start that it had to be REBORN.

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FFXIV community: 80+% nice, helpful, cooperative.
WOW community: 95% bitter, nasty, spiteful, elitist.

I’ve played both games for 10 years plus, it’s the truth.
I still love WOW and will always play it, but it’s a toxic community
for the most part.

In ffxiv - they’ll actually CONSEQUENCE players for toxic spite against others, and they have just as many subbers as WOW, likely more,
and they manage it just fine.


this is 100% true, you want to see just how toxic that community can be, say something critical of ANYTHING in that game and the screeching will be deafening

Just say FFXI is better in every aspect, and a Galka Blu/Pup is the ultimate combo and 14 cant compare.

Who is less of a team player?

The guy that comes unprepared and expect people to carry him and spoon feed him the information.

Or the guy that takes the time to learn what he is doing and doesnt want to be a burden to the other people in the party /raid?

I know i would rather have the second guy in my group.

I went to FFXIV from WoW and play on Balmung as well as Mateus.

I personally had more intensely toxic experiences in FFXIV but the overall number of such experiences was fewer.

Here in WoW there is more toxicity but it fades into white noise very quickly. Also our toxicity is exaggerated by other playerbases. We’re not the friendliest bunch but we aren’t monsters. If you say you are new then people will help you out the majority of the time.

One feature from FFXIV I’d like to see, though, is commendations where you can commend someone for a job well done or being helpful or funny at the end of a run as long as you were randomly grouped with them. Does it mean people are “faking” being nice? Yeah but that beats the alternative.

As for differences in bad players vs good the games really are designed differently.

FFXIV you need to learn a fairly long and complex rotation as well as the scripted patterns of each boss. If you are good at learning patterns then playing FFXIV is very easy but if you are not (or if you just don’t know how to build your own UI) then FFXIV is very hard. So some people have huge hurdles in that game in places where other players are yelling for things to be more hardcore.

Here in WoW rotations are generally more forgiving and you can use addons to modify your UI. Bosses are not as scripted and can be way more hectic.

The result?

Final Fantasy XIV has a lower skill ceiling but a way higher skill floor.
World of Warcraft has a lower skill floor but a way higher skill ceiling.

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