A Farewell To Plunderstorm

In b4 they do a PLUNDERSTORM 2,

And a full reset and new cosmetics, this time black instead of red!


Basically me, in Fall Guys, I played for months/about a year, never once first place once at all, lol.

Got super close though, a few times. Still salty even now.

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I played the game today for the first time.

I don’t understand how the reputation works. The first time I got over 1000, now I get 70 per match?

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Its a freaking cosmetic, not a BIS item

Get over it

It’s a BiS cosmetic.

It HAS to be months or weeks over weeks, cant farm it at your own pace.

You have 6 weeks.
Thats a ton of a time and i bet you play way more than me, stop pretending peopel that are getting 40 in a day or two would suffer to get it done in 6 weeks lol.

Meanwhile All it requires to get plunder is not suck astronomically in positioning. Nothing else at all.
Renow 28 atm playing two hours a day and will prolly hit 40 around tuesday whitout even paying attention to it.

Pludnerstorm renown tracl is objectively easier than all other unsuffering renows in the game.
And it didnt even ask me to kill 20 useless mobs at the middle of nowhere, guess thats the core mech y’all miss.

No, correct.
I didn’t say you could do them fast, I said you could take as much time as you like to do them because they aren’t time-limited like Plunderstorm.

That is indeed a limited amount of time, thank you for reaffirming my and other’s positions.


That still means you need to get 1 renown a day, thats far from casual.

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Therefore they are objectively worse. You do not have a say when it ends.
At this point you gonna say DF and SL renows are amazing even when tis crystal clear the entire community despises them lmao

Yes and OP got it done in 1 day.
Thanks for confirming and reaffirming constantly that this is a non issue.

I’m level 24, a little over half way there. It’s painful. I haven’t won yet, but I got second a few times. I wish there was a PVE option.

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Guess what if you get 1 renown a day for all DFs renows its gonna take you more than 100 days to finish it.

You can literally get renown 40 in a day in plunder if you just farm it, instead of getting for whatever reason 1 a day.

40 in a day? You do know the meaning of the word casual right? Blizzard is still claiming this is casual friendly.

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Actually irrelevant, because them not being time-limited was the point.

This is also irrelevant.
But let the record show that I think both DF and SL were hot garbage. SL was bad off the rip and consistently, and though I enjoyed DF at the start all of that went down the drain the moment the Reclamation of Gilneas hit and fell further with Plunderstorm.

Of constant grinding, done specifically because the event is time-limited.
If it weren’t he’d probably have taken his time, but that’s just not the case.

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Everyone uses “casual” to suit whatever they want in an argument.

I have been playing plunder two hours a day and wont play this weekend. Im renow 28 whitout even trying.

Its way more casual friendly than any current grind in DF/SL.

He wanted.
Therefore your argument is invalid.

If you can do it in 1 day then it doesnt matter at all if it takes 6 weeks or 6 months or its eternal.
You cant finish any current renown in DF/SL in a single day, therefore for all purpouses plunder is far easier and controllable to whoever sets up to do it and will do so before any other renown is completed because they are timegated

Thanks once again to confirm the time limit isn’t an issue.

Getting 40 next week just playing with friends for a couple hours a day, cant be more casual than that.
Now go farm DF renow from scratch and tell me how far you got it done in a week lmao.

The cosmetics and/or other rewards offered.

It does if the gripe is that one feels one has no choice but to grind it because it is time-limited.

And I’ve already addressed the other DF reps, you’re just ignoring it lol.

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My insomnia and spite know no bounds my tauren friend

My man turned to red draenei by simply resisting so hard! Breathe man, breathe

Once you die, you can leave the match and you don’t lose your gains. You DO NOT have to stay and spectate until the end.

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But you did it and for that reason alone:

Nobody cares.

I’ve actually been enjoying it since about level 5 when I got the gist of it. I’m at about 15 now and starting to tire a little bit. I think, like you, by 40 I’ll be done. I’ll probably be done by 25 or so and that last 15 is going to be a slog.

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