A Falling Star

How the hell do I complete this quest now? Every time I go into the chamber of the guardian, it just shows Khadgar wanting to tell me stuff about The War Within. I just want to do the Artifact weapon quests…why do you have to break several thousand quests when you put in one new quest Blizzard, why?


Try taking one of Chromie’s timeways.

Level 70, can’t do chromie time.

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70 is no longer the maximum.

Have you finished the Harbinger questline, yet?

I recall that was breaking quite a few things in Dalaran due to strange phasing for it (I couldn’t begin my class hall on account of the quest giver not showing up, for instance). :confounded:

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Completed it! The chamber of the guardian only shows Khadgar and Jaina in the room and can’t do anything else. I just want the stupid mount.


I unfortunately don’t know how to help any further, other than possibly doing the TWW pre-patch quest. :sob:

Dalaran has been horribly broken in a number of ways since the Harbinger questline was put in. I really wish they would fix things soon, instead of us likely having to wait until the expansion launches… if that even fixes it, then.


Lol, thanks for the help though! Only option now is to open a ticket and have their world renowned customer service to tell me to check wowhead or “SoRrY I CaNt Do AnYtHInG”


Are you trying to talk to Khadgar in the ‘center’ of the room, or in one of the chambers off to the side?

Edit: Also, the quest is actually done, right? Yorg croaked, you visited the cave entrance, etc?

Yeah, its in the little room off to the side.

Quest is ready to turn in, I abandoned and retried it to see if that worked, and I even got a homie to level sync to see if that will fix it, but nothing.

Would rolling an alt through cromie time be an option?

well… maybe you SHOULD check wowhead?

the most recent comment seems like it may point to the same issue you’re seeing.

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Took a look through a couple of related pages and their comments section, and unfortunately you’re not the only one by the looks of it.

Might be worth a bug report, and mention directly that you can’t turn in the quest because of khadgar being phased due to the pre-patch event. Hopefully that will catch some attention.

Why don’t you just use Chromie’s timeways? I gave you advice. You keep whining.

it’s not a bug, it’s phasing.
it happens if you have uncompleted quests.

a couple of people have posted workarounds.

your advice doesn’t make any sense.

they’re level 70.

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Which workarounds are you seeing?

The comments I’m looking at one was made yesterday and indicate they’ve done the entire questline for xal/magni, and still seeing a problem.

Hmm …. The two questlines occupy the same space and the game doesn’t have an easy way to tell which is a higher priority for you, so it defaults to the current event?

I wonder if this new quest line and its phase is going to left in the game permanently or, like most prepatch quests of the past, is merely a temporary event that will be removed once the expansion launches?

Just keep going on the prepatch questline a little further?

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After patch 10.2.7, if your character reached lvl 70, Khadgar will be phased and you won’t be able tu turn in this quest. But it’s ONLY appears when Alleria is in the same room.
Just take a quest from her → let her open a rift → use that rift and turn in Algeria’s quest.
Then feel free to rift back to Khadgar and turn in A falling star.
You don’t have to complete the whole Alleria’s quest line

i think they meant Alleria… Algeria seems like autocorrect :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


The OP says he’s completed the harbinger’s questline though. That would put him past the point of the void rift/turning in the quest/go back to khadgar, wouldn’t it? In theory he should currently be able to turn it in?

Chromie Time works up to level 70 because level 70 is no longer the maximum level. I’ve already mentioned this, but people find it easier to drool than to put two and two together.