A Falling Star

Just a head’s up, some Broken Shore stuff is also required as far as I recall. It’s not too much.

After you do that, the questline for the class mount(s) opens up.

Alright so lemme clear up any confusion with the problem im currently having
The toon I’m trying to do it on is level 70
Has the Harbinger and Pre Patch quests done
Chromie Time doesn’t work, she just explains how Timewalking Campaigns work
The only two people in the room are Khadgar and Jaina with no quest objectives
I’ve tried abandoning the quest and redoing it
I’ve tried level syncing but that leaves the room empty

I COULD do an alt to finish it out, but that would require me to go through Suramar. Again. For the 30th time. I will more than likely just wait unless I somehow get a GM thats actually helpful.


I’m pretty sure Suramar isn’t required in any way for the class order hall mounts, just class hall quests and some Broken Shore stuff, and ‘A Falling Star’ questline, at some point it becomes irrelevant because it ties into the Argus stuff.

Maybe just the quests up to Tomb of Sargeras, it’s been a while so I don’t remember all of it.

No wonder Khadgar is looking a little tired these days. He’s currently working in three places in Dalaran simultaneously.

(And that’s just in this one Dalarans)


New expansion and patch jitters.

Just have to relax.

Did a Google, first thing that popped up:

After patch 10.2. 7, if your character reached lvl 70, Khadgar will be phased and you won’t be able tu turn in this quest .

We are capped at lvl 70 until TWW goes live. Then the cap will be 80, so hopefully…Chromie time will work at that point.

There is a thread in Tech Support regarding this:

Apparently, the phasing isn’t working properly, so will have to wait a bit. :frowning:

Too many Kadgar’s! Well, Kalec can do it, but he’s a dragon, Kadgar is struggling! lol

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Looks like there’s 80 comments for this quest on WoWHead. And WoWHead comments are a good place to try and figure out if you’re doing something worng, it’s broken, or it’s broken and there’s a workaround.

But it looks like this is phasing from the event. Which most likely means you have to wait for the event to end.

Speaking of not being able to add 2+2… do you test your solutions to verify they work or you just spout what you think ought to work as fact?

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If Chromie Time doesn’t work for level 70 characters now, I don’t understand why Blizzard didn’t enable it up to level 70.

we can’t level past 70, and chromie time stops at 61.

it’s weird how you’ve now TRIPLED down on this, but you’re straight up wrong.

if it’s a bug, there’s nothing a GM will be able to do.
you’ll either have to wait for a fix, or wait until the event finishes.

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is he not in the side cubicle on the right side above the stairwell which goes toward the portals

Yeah, Alleria is a lot hotter than Algeria – and yes, I realize that it’s hot in Algeria.

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GOOD NEWS! Wowhead lied to me! You can complete the mount quest without completing A Falling Star.

You kinda just…skip it. Idk if its because I’ve already done it on a different toon or it’s just that broken. But, for me, I could just keep going on with the quests and just ignore it.

So now my warlock has a new fancy horse.

Thank you to everyone who tried to help me out and all your suggestions!

Khadgar has infinite

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Forgive me for missing it if it’s not already stated in here.

Have you tried pairing up with somebody lower level but similar to do a party sync? Is that even possible?

Maybe one day they should add a “sync” with old content in the game regardless of being max level that would put you in the correct phase as it were. Zidormi quest giver, etc.

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

A Fallen Star Quest is dependent on the Chamber of the Guardian being intact. Now every single class that has a class hall cannot complete Legion. Kind of a big deal for 10-50ish level characters.

The prepatch screwed everything up with Dadgar. I’ve been trying to turn in the pearl for the artifact fishing pole and he’s MIA from the violet citadel for weeks :confused: