Who we are: Primarily composed of 30+ y/o man children looking to relive our childhood experience of WoW classic. Close knit group of friends who have been playing since vanilla off/on and enjoy end game raiding with a focus on clearing all current content.
What we want: We are looking for folks to join us in our PVE adventures and if you are crazy enough, our PVP grind to GM. Prior raiding experience is highly preferred but we are accepting all walks of life this go around. All that we ask is that if you will be looking to raid with us, that you ensure you have adequate time to farm and prepare for content.
MON-FRI - PVP (Probably literally all day until everyone gets the ranks they want)
Sat/Sun - PVE(40) 6PM-10PM PST
Tues - PVE(20) 7PM-10PM PST
Recruitment Needs - Excepting all classes/viable specs.
Loot - We will be using a DKP system that syncs with our guild website/Discord. DKP will be awarded for timely attendance and boss kills.
How to Join -
Add my btag, jkheartz#1787 or Discord at EQ9fPXj and message Theos
I am a manchild looking to join!
Oh boy can’t wait to spend 4 hours killing core hounds again
Still looking for all classes, hit me up folks.
Fairbanks is gonna be awesome
1-2 weeks of hardcore poopsocking, inc.
Curious on how you feel about players that want to focus on pvp more than raiding, do you want everyone to be active in both pvp and raiding, or is there room for pvp focused players?
Hi classes needed for raids?
Raiding is definitely not a requirement. Many of us are going for PVP ranks when they are released, so there will definitely
be opportunity to group for honor 
I am anticipating a huge percentage of turnover before people get 60 due to the learning curve of classic. Therefore, I am open to any class at the moment. Dwarf priests get a guaranteed raid spot though, brain optional 
Come afk on the IF bridge with us
Pushing your posting to the top as i’m looking through forums saw your alliance but hey who 4gets keep your friends close & enemies closer like wise lol [H] Guild Fairbanks LFM's See inside 4 details
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Gonna play a Dwarf pally and main Holy, not sure if ill be leveling prot or ret, but would love to join
Just added you. Thinking of rolling mage or pally. Open to either