premades are made in certain ways either by same time queing or co-ord via chat services. this leads to obvs advantages for premades. BUT the idea is to
GET a bonus for the win = yes …
my solution ; this is for non rated BG’s …
your name and server is matched up in the system for each Rbg or EPic brawls. arenas whatever.
you ALL enter those you get in and the system records your identification for that matchup.
next battle win or lose you get a ONE percent chance of being removed and blocked from these party players for the next nine hours, but you get into the next BG and the one after that also, , , but now your chances of being outlawed is not 1% it is now a 3% chance !!!
more battles inside that nine hour window your odds of being outlawed go up one perct per battle in that time window. regardless of using bliz wow services or outside voice chat services. so a pug soloist or a group of guildies or a structed premade get their wins or losses. but every time each toon has an increasing percentage chance of being outlawed for 9 hours away from the main pack.
so toons can lose or win or desert but once the window finds your toon it is locked out from those other alts per account. what his means is you cannot just get outlawed then flip to an alt and reque with your bulk friends via discord chat co-ordinations
this makes the the whole BG thing much fairer; because every single match YOUR chances of being outlawed go up by just one percent regardless of skirmishes brawls, so you get to hang with your friends and then always run an increasing risk of being locked out of your group for a time . . .
if we do not fix something in BG;s far less people will que to be ganked and HK farmed and/or wow bliz will just auto filling BG ques with bots …
thank you for listening
Or they could just, you know, make it so an addon can’t bypass the random match-making queue system.
In before “Dats not wut it does!”
This seems unnecessarily complicated for a fairly simple problem. Restrict the number of parties that can be in the same bg and on the same side. That’s all they need todo. If they wanted todo more, just punish players who consistently leave active queues or leave after they have already joined a bg, active or not.
Is it too difficult for blizz to match groups against groups? If one side has more groups than the other side then those groups have to wait.
Is it also too difficult to match number of healers? If one side has more healers than the other side then those healers have to wait.
And lastly, is it too difficult to have the game start only when both sides have equal numbers?
Addons cannot access, manipulate or affect the queue system, the queue window or the join queue button.
They haven’t been able to since ~2012.
The API Blizzard provides for all addons was adjusted to not allow it.
If you want to be heard, at least be correct.
Pray to Zeus that he doesn’t aim lightning at your house.
In before “That’s not how lightning works!”
Do you see how moronic that statement is?
The fastest and simplest solution is to add an account wide, stacking debuff for not taking a queue pop.
This would make it so that any premades in the queue are incentivized to take the queue that pops, otherwise their members would have to wait for other members to be ready to enter the queue.
Only the most steadfast, close knit community would be able to maintain a membership.
The rest would fall apart quite quickly.
The debuff already exists for other queues.
So it would not take up any programming time, simply copy/paste it to the Epic queue.
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all i am saying is people want to play with the RL friends my solution just means the more games they get into then the more likely the game is to percentage lock them out, i am fairly sure some of the 17,500 bliz employees know how to simply write code ; match up names per any BG if they (in the 9 hour window) get into another BG with the same name their acct matchup is now a 1% lockout chance ; so the get multiple games till they are banished for 9 hours , rinse and repeat . fully automated = not complicated , ty 4 your reply also ! / hugs
The issue has nothing todo with RL friends though. =/
Groups of 5 are fine. These groups are getting 30-40 people into the same bg. They don’t know each other. These groups used to spam chat for members.
Really, the best solution would be to get rid of factions like blitz and just randomize teams completely.
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That is a very temporary solution. They will just resort to sync clicking with a countdown.
The solution is to make separate ques. One for solo and the other for grouped.
But that doesn’t stop the issue of them leaving the bg and leaving one team without enough people to compete. They already ruined blitz games with their tactics. They’re win-trading and dropping group.
Even if they get mixed between teams, one side will agree to leave and then backfillers will get farmed. They already halfway do that now when they drop ques.
Also, if their addon can tell them who they are up against, they can know ahead of time which players got put on the opposing side and have them drop.
To combat this, they would need a massive overhaul of the que and matchmaking system. It would need to randomize them after they enter but even then it doesn’t solve them afk’ing out.
The simple and effective solution is 2 separate ques.
hi who cares about healers ? its a BG . . . awaiting healers will lengthen que times.
yes exactly ; if u enter a with topone and your name is adroi the system should record that, your next BG the names are both found again so on the next bg both ad n top have a 1% of not playing together again in the following BG, so the more BGs you enter together the higher your not going into the next battleground together. so you get to play together and then your percentage prevents you from entering the next BG 2gether no matter how you que up …
so your solution is to prevent people doing any pvp with anyone so pvp just becomes completely pugs ? then if that is your answer then you should remove guild dungeon runs also and remove grouping with friends for open world questing.
sorta makes things like recruiting a friend pointless real life friends you’ll never ever see in a battle ground ever …
Hey don’t lump the whole premade crowd in with RRuin!1!
just have the system percentage out names that reappear if john and mary enter a BG it is ok, if laterz JnM even randomly enter another BG then now they are gonna have % chance of never reentering together any future BG even randomly for X number of hours lockout. so people can que and play together then the system finds them and splits them away from each other in the next battleground que. you get to hang out together each day till sooner of later your % is up and no more pvp together for a lockout time
Possibly but that is a whole new algorithm I’m not sure they can handle correctly. I have doubt in their commitment and capabilities.
EDIT: There’s also the potential that the que pool gets so low that the system would result in no ques popping. It’s already pretty dry as it is.
you que as normal, play as normal, then if your enter another any other pvp activity the system gives you a % change of being excluded from the next BG que … so during the day you can bg with your friends till your random % lockout occurs and you must wait out the timeout period . a simple and effective to fix premade riggings
It’s expecting blizzard to develop an algorithm to check and reference past bg’s and then separate the triggering names from the que pops. It’s very optimistic.
how can you say that ? some players reappear so often humans can recognise their names over multi BG’s , if the que system is dry or not enough diff BG’s simply write in to suspend this lockout system till the ques get bigger
Now you’re adding another layer to the algorithm.
Look, I’m not saying your idea is bad. I actually like it. IMO, and in trying to be objective, I am saying it is too optimistic for the current environment at blizzard.
1: They couldn’t care less about pvp
2: They have even less interest in unranked pvp.(it’s not viable for free marketing on twitch)
3: They are very tight with the money(especially R&D)
4: They are likely lacking in the competence to develop such a complex layered system without it turning into a flustercuck.
I am sure more contingencies would pop up making it even more complex. And should we really trust that they would devote future development time and resources to address them as they pop up? I don’t.
If they would actually devote the time and resources to such a system, yes, go for it. But I am doubtful.
No one is buying it dude.
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Well, it just means they’re likely never gonna to all get on the same team. I wouldn’t just stop there. I still think anyone excessively dropping queues or leaving matches should get punished. So that would solve the other aspect.
o.O? Did you mean to respond to the OP?
Well, I’m sure some of you guys get along. I just don’t think there are any premade groups that are largely made up of ACTUAL RL friends.