stop holding back ; if you do not like the idea just say so, VENT. consider your blood pressure !
What idea?
You realize my reply was not to you, right?
i think such a system could be run up on a free saturday arvo by one of their competent coders to give them a 1% increased chance of a shot toward a yearly job bonus
but BG’s do not bother myself much , i just use wow as a solo procrastination tool to make myself like i am achieving stuff and not just wast5ing my life away. wow is so complex now no one can hope to do it all , i just run around a bg for some conquest points.
all i am saying is my proposal is a simple fix to make all feel it is more about player skill instead of ten buddies wanderin in with uber gear , my buzz is spread sheets and i could run up such a system easily but would have no clue on how to gather the raw data to make it functional , but i do agree with you about bliz and thank you for your interest and input / hugz
So you don’t like my debuff solution?
Premades are making the game worse. Blizzard’s job is to fix it. Our job is to make noise about how bad it is.
Blizzard is capable, this issue just needs to become a high enough priority for them to actually spend money to fix it.
These all read roughly the same to me in every forum of every MMO: “Hello [company], please devote more of your code resources to make your MMO better for solo players by preventing people from grouping up.” The smart companies don’t listen.
Make your MMO better for solo players by preventing people from grouping up
You’re the one going past the accepted 5-person limit – signed, a player not in a premade guild.
Having to lie in order to push your narrative really doesn’t help you out.
“Accepted” by whom? Seems to me the company isn’t seeing this as a problem or something would have been done many moons ago. I’ll just say I don’t think it’s in an MMO’s best interest to actively look for ways to stop people from grouping up to accomplish things. The logical response could just as easily be, “If they’re grouping up to accomplish X, it seems to me that you could do the same.” No code updates or dev time required for that.
yet look at how insanely popular delves are.
I’ll just say I don’t think it’s in an MMO’s best interest to actively look for ways to stop people from grouping up to accomplish things
What you meant to say is, “I don’t think it would be fair to me if Blizzard retroactively decided to address premades by forcing groups to only have a maximum of 5 players”.
Apples and oranges. One is a purpose built solo mode. The other clearly isn’t.
My benefit is beside the point. I’m simply saying MMO’s shouldn’t work to de-incentivize people from grouping up.
MMO’s shouldn’t work to de-incentivize people from grouping up
They’re not. Premades are very much in the minority of players, I’m assuming. What we’re suggesting does not affect your ability to group up with other players. You would just rather be able to group up as a raid than a party.
They did, they broke an addon that allowed queue syncing and limited the group size to 5. Stop lying it’s just sad at this point.
So if mine and a couple of other groups go 3-2-1 join at the same time and just happen to join the same BG, where exactly is the exploit?
They didn’t just break an addon, they made changes to the API so that addons cannot access the queue system.
Technically, they didn’t.
In 2010, Blizzard released a new feature called Random Battleground which included a 5 player group limit.
The API change was in 2012.
And they’ve done nothing about it since.
Oh, so you can queue as a raid into epics?
Nothing, but the game is designed to not do that, hence why you guys need to exploit and dodge queues. Enough excuses.
You misunderstand my post.
Blizzard didn’t limit group size.
They introduced a new feature with a smaller group size than was previously available.
You weren’t ever able to queue for a Random Battleground with a group larger than 5.