Hey Guys,
I am returning back to wow after a break, I am a ex-mythic RL tank that is experienced with completing for server first kills. I am looking for a Simi-hardcore guild for shadowlands that raids 3-4 days with 7pm+ (Server Time) raid times.
My main is a Monk tank but i can play DK, Pally and Druid, pref the monk though. I can offer logs from last season, Mythic/Heroic Battle of Dazar’alor and Legion.
For my raid experience, i have cleared everything Legion (Mythic before nerfs) and did Uldir 8/8M before nerfs and Battle of Dazar’alor 5/12M, I had to leave half way through the tier because of Uni. I also do Mythic+ on the side. I also offer a lot to your guild, since i am an ex-raid leader, i do research into fights before we attempt them and more. I should mention i am planning to stay alliance and on Frostmourne.
Leave a Comment with your Battle.net and ill contact you back,
Hey! <Orks> is newly formed guild on Frostmourne with a core of CE raiders coming from Barthilas currently in need of a tank. We’re looking to raid wed/thurs/sun 7.30-10.30 SVT with the goal of getting CE. Let me know if you’d be interested my battle net is Scyther#6318.
Hey mate, we’re looking for a BM tank to round out our 25-man roster going into Shadowlands, raiding 4nights/week for the first month of the tier, then 3 nights after that. Our times should match (8pm ST to 10:30 ST). We would trial you in SL, or with a cheeky key in the Nov 17 week when most of our guild resubs
but first we’d make sure our personalities match.
My spiel post: [A] FM | 8-10:30 ST | W/T/Su/M
Our wowprog for the last tier we were relevant [also the last tier you were relevant, works out!] (has kill vids w/ sound, and my contact details), so you can see our environment and if you might be interested: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/frostmourne/Listen/rating.tier23
(bnet) Rampager#1739 or Samikay#8246 (discord) if you’d like to chat. Would prefer you add me on Discord, as I’d talk to you on voice either way.
Guild and Realm:
[H] Intuition Thrall
Raid Times/Days:
Tuesday - Thursday 8PM-11PM EST
Comprised of existing 12/12M Cutting Edge players and returning top us players.
All existing players who return or players who apply to the guild will all have a fair chance at a core raid spot and all will be trialing.
Who we are and a few Notable Kills:
Intuition is a reform on Thrall of a former top us 40 guild in Eredar. We’re a group of individuals that take gaming seriously and have competitive personalities. We do daily Mythic+ keys in the range of 22-27.
H Magmaw World 45 US 12
H Nefarian - World 50 US 14
H Al’Akir - World 41 US 14
What we offer:
Provide guild raid flasks and feasts.
Runes (if applicable)
We will cover realm transfer costs for exceptional players.
Recruitment Contacts:
Khascade#1163 (BNET) Khascade#8537 (Discord)
https ://discord. gg/GmXDSSZaSd - remove spaces
How to apply:
Contact me in game or discord or apply using the application below:
https ://docs.google . com/forms/d/1XCMZqevjOPG7rMNsSuEnOdh5oPYeHeMM82YslUDyqYg/edit - remove spaces
What we’re looking for:
Ready to slay dragons attitude. Accepting players willing to put in the time and commitment to clear end-game content. You don’t have to be exceptional to join the mythic team just have the effort to improve and understand mechanics. Discord is required to receive news and announcements.
Come prepared to raid before invites go out. (Invites go out 15 minutes prior to first pull.)
Min/Max your character and maximize performance.
Returning players that has prior experience with difficult encounters is a plus.
Players that have decent-high arena ratings even if they do not have raid experience. (This shows situation awareness.)
Players that have decent-high raider iO scores from season 4 and before even if they do not have raid experience.
Players that have the flexibility to play multiple classes and specs if needed.
Recruitment Needs:
Strong players
Tanks - LOW
Healers -MEDIUM (MW Monk, Holy Priest, Restoration Shaman/Druid and Holy Paladin.)
DPS - (MEDIUM-HIGH) (Mage, Warlock, Elemental Shaman, Balance Druid, Sub Rogue, Hunter and Shadow Priest)
Looking for OCE / AUS Guilds, Sorry
Dude, you sound like the man and your story sounds perfect for Omnipresence, but is really staying horde such an issue?
Progressing Mythic on OC horde is a joke.
Uh, no it isn’t? We have some powerful members on Barthilas.
I do believe you are mistaken.
If make any sense at all
Hey mate,
Conviction is one of the oldest raiding guilds on Khaz’Goroth, having formed in Vanilla. We aim to compete at the highest level of content the game has to offer. Our roster consists of new and old players all wanting the same end result of achieving CE every tier. Apart from raiding we love doing M+ keys and playing other games with banter on discord.
Raid Times
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 8:30pm - 11pm Server Time
If this sounds like something you’re interested in my Btag is Antagqt#1628 my Discord is Papa Lust#5064
Firstly, we fit your requirements. We are OCE based (SG,HK, some Aus) but start raiding slightly later at 1130 ST for 3 hours, Wed/Fri/Sun.
I saw this post and thought that maybe you would give us some consideration:
We are currently full on tanks however, we can shuffle them around to fit you into our roster. We are also interested in your experience and would like you to be an ‘advisor’ of sorts for our preparations in mythic Castle N, if you would decide to join us. Our guild post is linked below, it explains everything we are and our plans for mythic prog in SL. Our recruitment plan is going smoothly with 1-2 healers remaining. Please do give us a read, and hopefully consider us! If you need more information don’t hesitate to contact and I can provide you our full plan for SL progression.
Best regards,
Bnet: BranBiscuits#1686
Discord: BrandyBiscuits#6452