[A] <Executive Decisions> Semi HC T/Th 1030p-2a Recruiting

Tues/Thurs || 1030pm - 2am
Wishlist (ThatsMyBis) + Loot Council

The core of has played together since 2015 on various different private servers under the name . Throughout all of Classic Wow, we maintained a hardcore roster where we were ranked #1 on Whitemane in nearly all categories and content phases. In TBC our goals changed and we focused on a less strict raid team that set out to have fun clearing content. Our community has changed significantly since Classic and our goal is a true semi-hardcore raid team.

What you can expect from us:
Stable leadership, with a long track record of success
High expectations set for all raiders individual performance (parses) and preparedness (consumes/professions)
Raid team pushes for competitive achievements and hard modes (Immortal, Alone in the Darkness, A Tribute to Immortality, etc)

Who we’re looking for:
Players who feel like they were always a full notch above everyone else in their past guild(s) in terms of skill and dedication
People who are willing to learn; who are always looking for ways to improve
People who are looking for a long-term home, and want to experience ALL WOTLK content

Raider Expectations
95% attendance
Open to class changes based on meta

Recruitment Needs
Discipline or Shadow Priest
Resto/Elemental Shaman
:Hunter~1: Survival Hunter
:99: Exceptional players

If you’re interested in joining our team send me a message on discord or in game
Crixxus#6310 (discord) / Haedes#1536 (bnet) Crìxxus/Crixadin (in-game alt 141 for ì)