Looking for a place to call home? Casual yet focused raiding? Chill, weekend progression? Then look no further! The <Everdreaming Fan Club> wants you!
We consist of a core group of raiders residing on Kel’thuzad, Alliance, who simply wish to have a good time, be drama free, and work towards getting some solid progress with weekend raiding. We enjoy each others’ company, kicking the breeze, and if you find yourself interested, we’d would love to get to know you as well!
Our raiding schedule is as follows:
Fridays 7pm - 10pm PST
Saturdays 7pm - 10pm PST
Currently we’re 4/8M and we’re recruiting ALL DPS for core raiding spots! Looking to continue to push strong into EP, as well as to prepare for 8.3. Would love to chat with you if you are interested!
For any questions or interest, add us!