[A] [EST] [PAGLE] <Triumvirate> | Community & Raiding

Return us henceforth to the beginning!

No, I shan’t do it

I could use a good shanty… or maybe chianti!

Tippy toes allow me to reach the top shelf!

Server transfers available yayyy!

Bump! almost 5k views on this post, wow!

Alright Blizzard… you’re really buggin me with not being able to edit any of my posts >.>

With transfers now open, we still have a few raid spots available. We are also open to all social players. Visit our Discord for further details.

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^^ What he said :smiley:

Happy Holidays Pagle from all of us at Triumvirate!

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^^ What he said! :smiley:

Santa is bringing us all brand new repair bots! :smiley:

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and is ready for the new year!

Can’t believe the new year is nearly here!

Any Resto Druids available?!

BWL… when will it drop?

Onward and upward into the new year!

Updated needs!

Updated again! Let’s goooooo

Your face needs to go.