Not too many spots left, looking for a couple more healers and dps!
Any holy pallies around?!
scouts ahead for paladins!
Holy Paladins in high demand all around!
DPS of all kinds
Keep it goin!
Warrior Tank Looking for Guild, MC/Ony Attuned, 400+ Defense Rating, Fire Resist set in progress, Have cleared MC/Onyxia. PST for more info. Available for the raid time you guys listed above.
Hi Arktus — sorry I’ve been out of town.
We unfortunately are full on tanks for the 4 teams listed above, but a weekend team will be starting up soon. Is Arktus your in-game name on Pagle?
Anathema is mine!!! Yay! Also, there are misc. spots to fill on all teams + weekend team that is just starting up!
Up to the top!
Amagicko returno!
any interest in a reroller joining your guild?
Any spaces open for a hunter in any of the raiding teams??
Up to the top!!
I’m sorry we couldn’t accommodate you Keehn, but wish you luck in finding a team for you!
Hi Obscurum,
I’m not sure if you’re one of the ones who have recently joined, but we accept rerolls all the time!
Returning this to the top!
Up up and away!
Now that I’ve found the link again, return us to the top!
Another bump because weekend raid team starts tonight and has roles available for all!
To the top!
Another bump Weekend team open recruitment and select spots for weeknight teams!