[A] <Esper> | 2-Day 7 Hour | Recruiting for 10.0 Mythic Prog

Is an alliance guild on US-Sargeras that is a collection of real life friends that have played wow since 2005. Over the years we have played wow but on different factions on separate servers but are now banding together to create a new progression focused raiding guild in leu of the upcoming Dragonflight expansion. All of us have previous CE and AoTC achievements and multiple KSMs. We’re going to be a semi-hardcore prog raiding guild that’s focused on having fun first and foremost. Most of us are in our late 20’s and early 30’s so it’s a pretty relaxing, meme-friendly atmosphere. (but not to memey)

Tentative Raid Times
Wed & Thur 6:30p to 10p Server Time (Central)
Optional Fridays will be 7p to 10p

Raider Expectations
Understand your role / spec and be able to execute it at a reasonable level.
Watch videos and understand the general “meta” strats for the encounters.
Maintain 80% Attendance. Real life happens but we ask that you are available at least 8 out of 10 raids. Make sure you can commit to this.
Complete enough M+ for a reasonable weekly reward. For the first couple weeks of a patch try to get your 8/8 completed. Once AoTC is accomplished maintain 4/4. Once Mythic Prog starts M+ participation is optional but encouraged.

Guild Expectations
The raid leaders will have a set in stone approach and strategy to defeat the upcoming progression.
Tradeable loot is divvied out via a rotating loot council that includes rotating 2 officers and 2 raiders.
Feast and Cauldrons along with repairs are provided during raid times. (Eventually guild repairs will be permanent).
Zero tolerance for drama, harassment, or elitism.

Recruitment Needs:
Literally Everything except a resto shaman, I called dibs :slight_smile:

Also in need of a Melee Lead & Healing Lead as well as a perm recruiter.

GM Info
In-game: Froshie
Discord: Frankzor#8215
Bnet Piiles#1522

Hi there. Where are you currently at roster wise? Are you guys going to be pushing CE in dragonflight? I’m not looking got guaranteed CE every tier but want to secure some mythic kills. The schedule works for me and I’m just exploring some options.