*A* <Empire> 10/10H 2/10M - W/Th 7-10 CST

About Us

Empire is a highly social guild created in 2005 that above all else strives to have fun together. We like to kill bosses, have in game guild events, such as transmog contests and nostalgia races, play other games together and have IRL meetups.

A typical night in Discord can have us talking about anything, including the definition of a sandwich, latest video games, or the merits of hard vs soft tacos.

With only six hours of raiding a week, we place a lot of emphasis on efficiency.


We are recruiting demon hunter dps for our weekend mythic team. AOTC, good logs, and mythic experience preferred. All applications are considered if they’re strong players!

We of course are definitely happy to have people join if they’re looking for a good home.

Prior Progression

12/12M Ny’alotha (Cutting edge)

9/9M Dazar’alor (Cutting edge)

Current Progression

Weekday team - 10/10H 2/10M Nathria

Weekend team - 10/10H 1/10M Nathria

Core Raid Hours

Weekday team - Wed/Thurs 7-10pm CST

Weekend team - Sun/Mon 7-10 CST

Optional Raids

Tues 7pm CST - Farm Content/sale runs

Mythic spots are earned - be friendly, be consistent, and play well.

We ask you notify our GM (Frísk/Friskkers) or an officer if you are unable to make a raid as soon as you know, so we can make the necessary arrangements.

About You

90% attendance on required raid nights
Positive attitude :slight_smile:
Most importantly, great transmog

Contact Us

If you think that Empire could be your new home, shoot us a message!

Battletag - Ziggurat#11538
Discord - Irana#8936

Battletag - Solodolo#1807
Discord - Friskkers#8670

Still looking for a few more solid players

bump! Still looking for a couple more awesome people!

Join Cifilorp instead!

Bumping! Still looking for a healer and some deeps!

Bumperino. Still looking.

I can heal and/or ranged DPS or melee if needed. I also can bake some killer cookies.

bumping! Looking for some great dps!

Looking for a team around that time, I have me (a holy priest, and a DH) he’s pure DPS… prolly the best you’ve seen… hit me up.


Join Empire on Bleeding Hollow instead!

bumping for dps and heals!

bump me daddy

bumping! need more dps and heals!

BUMP me harder

Still looking for some dps and a healer!

I am a 418 Holy priest looking for an active guild on an active server that likes to play together and push progression. I enjoy M+ in addition to raiding and am very active throughout the week on my main (which is the holy priest) and an alt R Druid (410 ilvl) that I run M+ on. I am looking for a guild that will be a good fit and one that I can make friends with and enjoy.

I prefer raids that start after 7pm EST and end before 1am EST. I also prefer main progression nights during the week. I don’t mind one night on the weekend, but just not all weekend nights.

Raid Experience:
2/2H CoS (AotC1st week)
Currently 6/9M in BfD, 9/9 H (AotC 1st week)
CE 8/8M Uldir
Antorus 5/11M
TOS 5/11M

I wasn’t sure if you would consider a holy priest or the best way to find out?

Thank you!

Btag – Raeana#1652
Discord - Raeana#8468

Bumping! Looking to buff up our mythic roster for ashvane!

Bumping! Need those deeps!

Bump Recruiting a tank and warrior dps on top of always recruiting for our heroic and future mythic raiders