[A] <Elysium> 2/10M!

<Elysium> Turalyon
2 Night Weekend Main Raid
1 Night Weekday Casual Raid

Elysium is a friendly, drama free raiding guild that looks to enjoy the many aspects of WoW together. With passionate Raiders, we look to advance far through Shadowlands. Though we do love our raiding, social members and players of all kinds are always welcome and are eagerly accepted into the family.

Other events we hold include Main Team Raiding, Timewalking, Mythic and Mythic+ Dungeons, Legacy raids/Tmog Runs, RBGs, and Casual/ALT Raid night. We have a Discord server with someone in it almost all the time, and active members constantly making their own groups to run dungeons and such.

Looking for:
:black_medium_square: Windwalker Monk
:black_medium_square: Balance Druid
:black_medium_square: Marksmanship Hunter
:black_medium_square: Fury Warrior
:black_medium_square: Exceptional DPS

Raid Info:
:black_medium_square: Main Raid times are Saturday and Sunday, 7pm - 9:30pm EST.
:black_medium_square: Casual/Alt Raid is Thursday 7pm - 9:30pm EST.
:black_medium_square: Pots/Flasks/Enchants/Gems/Food/Repair are all provided by the Guild Bank.
:black_medium_square: We are looking for passionate players to join us in our Shadowlands Raiding.
:black_medium_square: Logs by Warcraft Logs are recorded every raid night and are constantly being uploaded and checked.
:black_medium_square: Discord is required to raid on progression nights and is expected for Raid nights unless stated otherwise.

What we want from you:
:black_medium_square: A person that is respectful to all members of the guild.
:black_medium_square: If a Raider: Dedicated to showing up on time (Invites for Raid at 6:55pm EST) and being prepared for Raid.
:black_medium_square: A sense of humor.
:black_medium_square: Patience.
:black_medium_square: And all your money.
No not really. :upside_down_face:

Current Progression
Castle Nathria: 10/10N, 10/10H, 2/10M

Past Progression List
Ny’alotha: 12/12N, 12/12H, 5/12M
The Eternal Palace: 8/8N, 8/8H, 3/8M
Battle of Dazar’alor: 9/9N, 9/9H, 1/9M
Crucible of Storms: 2/2N, 2/2H, 0/2M
Uldir: 9/9N 9/9H 2/9M

Contact Info:
Check out our Website GuildsofWow. com/elysium
or shoot me a message on Btag: Sola#11923

GM: Solä


Good Morning Turalyon!!! <3

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So excited for Castle Nathria!

Hey I just caught this because Turalyon used to be my home server and was wondering if I could join despite not being able to raid? I can do any other content you do but I just can’t fit a raid schedule, my off days alternate due to 12 hour shifts :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hi Sassman! You are more then welcome to join even though you are unable to raid with us. Shoot me a message at Sola#11923 and we can talk more!

Come Join the mythic progression fun!! Huntsman down, need some excellent DEEPS!


We’re a good guild

Haha I had to think for a minute, but there’s no way that Mechasola is a Sola alt… impostor!! I know because she hates gnomes and would never make one. At least this impostor isn’t lying though. They’re alright. Definitely more fun than that other weekend raiding guild.

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Yeah… im alittle scared of Mechasola

Glad you all are doing well. These are a good bunch of people. Sad I left them but we all move on.

Yeah that was a rough time. Hope all is well.

Huggies for all

To the top make it drop, bring us skulls for the skull god!

Still raiding, and as always recruiting, we continue to work on Mythic bosses as one of the last Alliance guilds it seems is actively raiding. Never really a night people aren’t on doing something, join us.