A dumb question about deleting flagged post

I’m just going to create a small scenario here.

Let’s say I’ve made a post, where I knew the post would violate the Forum Code of Conduct, and the community flagged the post, but then I decide to remove the post, to later only have moderation remove the post with no further action… Then I continue doing the same thing over and over, just for the same process to happen…

Would this be a loophole in order to get out of recieving further forum action or something? Like, I’m not too sure on how to fully explain this scenario. But I’ve seen people around the forums do this sort of tactic where they would say something, have a post flagged, get the post removed by mods with no further actions, to rinse and repeat with the same behaviour just for the same thing to happen over and over. Not that I am requesting for anyone to be banned, but that is what I am noticing as of late for the past couple of weeks.

No. Deleting a post that violates the forum CoC will not prevent appropriate moderation from being applied.


Ah, just thought to ask on this, because this is not what I am witnessing, though I won’t go into details about it.

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It’s dependent on the original content of the post, but a thread drawing in a lot of trolls can be shut down without actions to the op if no violations are found.

You can’t delete a full post though once someone replies, only edit to remove the content.


To expand on the above from Teufelgott:

A reported post basically have ‘copy’ of what was said. More so when others reply to it. After a given amount of time, it’s saved in the system and a Blue/Mod can view such.

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Ok, so if it was to say, go around calling people certain things to cause unrest, like, lets say, I decided to call you something and accuse you of doing something, people flag the post, I remove the post, basically, you get the general idea, trolling and/or harassment. Although, I know it is up to moderation to determind on which rules are broken within the post, if any are…

If a post is reported, its content will be assessed by the responding moderator based on the Code of Conduct. Deleting the post or editing it to remove the objectionable content may not prevent (a) forum privileges from being actioned, and (b) the rest of the topic conversation from also being reviewed. Because the moderators have full access to the complete history of a post, and will definitely know what version of a post goes with what reports.

Overall, there are no “take-backs”. Always consider what you say at the time you say it.


Name calling attacking other people is deffinately reportable and actionable if you cant say anything noce then dont.

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This isn’t what I have been noticing. I’m not going to mention the name of the player, nor mention the thread, or what they have said, but this person has litterly been attacking people, calling them certain names, accusing people of doing certain things, their post get flagged, they attempt to delete there post, but then there post is only deleted by moderation, and they are still posting as if like, nothing has happened, despite still in a raging mood, and still continuing the same behaviour.

Well, thanks for the answers everyone. I was just wondering is all.


No, not usually.

It generally depends on the situation on what happens. Obvious inappropriate language is almost always going to be penalized, even if it was deleted/edited. If it was active long enough to be reported, that means folks saw it, and therefore moderated according to the content.

Other behaviors can be a bit more nebulous. Trolling, or otherwise being sassy, may not result in a penalty. We have some fairly strong personalities around, and while some of the tone used doesn’t always seem productive, a lot of the resulting discussion from that is almost with the same tone. In a situation where there are fairly aggressive and reactionary posts all around, that may limit the actions that are taken.

Edit: Just to note, there are a lot of accusations and derailments flying around from a fair number of people. I’m not going to point fingers, but it seems that the attacks and accusations aren’t limited to a single person.

I’m going to clean that one up and remove a bit of the back and forth, if not just lock the thread.