[A] <Drunken Safari> Casual Raid LF additional Raiders. Tue/Thurs 7-9cst Server Raid times

Guild: Drunken Safari

Faction: Alliance | Server: Sargeras | Timezone: Cst

Current Progression: 6/8 Normal, 1/8 Heroic

For the past 10 years Drunken Safari has strived to be a casual guild where mature players can gather to have fun. We are recent transplants from Icecrown and are rebuilding our ranks. Our past history we have had membership ranks of over 800 toons. This made us the largest and most active guild on Icecrown. We are currently running one raid group while training some new raiders. .
We have a need and are looking for geared knowledgeable raiders to fill in holes among our roster.

Raid Times:
Progression Raid Times:
7-9pm Central every Tuesday and Thursday. Occasionally may add a third event later in the week.

Raid Needs: Off-tanks, Ranged DPS, Multi-role Healers. If you have interest, just ask.

Mythic+ Groups run every Monday and Wednesday at 7pm Server

What we ask of you:
Not all applicants come from highly progressed guilds, and that’s okay, but it does mean that you need to be prepared. We recruit the player, not the gear, but we do ask that you have some current experience and be a minimum iLvl of 360. You also need to be able to display an understanding of your class mechanics, role in a raid, and ability to learn new fights.
It’s a game. We play for fun. How you fit in with the guild is taken very seriously. We’re a bunch of mostly older guys and gals who have fun playing together. While we have a good time, we also know when it’s time to buckle down and work hard.

Lastly, we make a commitment to you, and ask you to do the same to us. A raid takes a team of more than 20 individuals working together. We rely on you to show up to raids, research your class and new fights, respect your fellow players, and notify us when you are unavailable. You rely on us for gear, experience, and coordination. It’s a large investment of our time to train and gear new players, and we ask the same investment on your part so that we can each benefit.

Thank you for your time, and We look forward to hearing from you.

The Drunken Safari Staff

PM: Madmortagan , Daylow, or Danazal if you have any questions.