A discussion for entertainment

when rumors started going around about “hardcore” wow i was saying to myself “yes, finally, yes” but it turned out to just be classic wow with a slight minor twist.

Id like to open a discussion for entertainment value on what “hardcore” wow would actually look like if done a different way. and set to current retail patch.
(slight modification: it has been brought to my attention that the current ideas laid out are more of a “survival” style than “hardcore”. please take that into consideration.)

Basic Principals of “True Hardcore WoW”

  1. weight system. items in wow are assigned weight. no more carrying 100k ore in your backpack. (might have to introduce a pack mule or pack horse for players walking around gathering their 180k ore they sell every day)
  2. hunger. gives a negative buff to character increasing the hungrier the character gets. reduced weight capacity, health points, speed, exct.
  3. sleep. a player character must either return to an inn and spend x ammount of time there to be rested or place a tent where player can “rest”. /sleep in the open world would also work at reduced effectiveness as placing a tent or going to an inn.
  4. player death. upon death characters corpses are to be left at the location they died at with chance of being LOOTED by ANYONE. player exits body at that location as a ghost and must go to the nearest grave/rez site to be reincarnated where they will be “turned alive” and must make their way back to their corpse.
    some may choose to only equip garbage gear because they know theres a good chance of dying there and they dont want to risk their good gear. some people might say its worth the risk. crafting armor professions are now extremly popular again because of the shear loss of equipment on a daily basis, people literally running around in rags having a ball waiting for someone to die to loot them. chaos and fun for everyone.
  5. currency banking. if you acumulate a pile of gold, deposit it into the bank or risk someone or a monster killing you and loosing what you have on your person. monsters and chests now hold more gold because the risk of loosing it or being mugged after looting a pile of gold is now greater.

and seeing how this is “hardcore” might as well throw the PvP flagged/Warmode On and make it permanent.

-people are going to love having city and town guards again.
-crafting professions will boom all across the board.
-more untold, unthought of benefits and fun to be had, im sure.
-arenas, battlegrounds, epics, mythic keys and raids are still to be held as a regular part of the game where players can get good gear upgrades to carry on with their character.
new death system should not apply to those cases. regular rating and honor/conquest gains and purchases are still to be as they are currently in retail. you’d have people willing to risk better gear in the open field because they can just grind out more conquest points in the arenas for more gear. there would be a use for getting more points after conquest cap because there would be a chance that the player could loose their gear or have it destroyed.

for someone reading whos going to post something like “NO! because I dont like it” or think that this is a demand to blizzard.
its not.
this is just a discussion for entertainment value.
you saying “NO” has no bearing, because regular, classic and remix and x number of other ways to play WoW would theoretically still exist for you to play. simply saying “NO” in this tread, which is just a discussion for entertainment for those people who think the same way I do would have no value to the discussion because it is not entertaining.

ill go ahed and add this:

just a little bit more reassurance here:


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That would be a really pointless mode since retail leveling and open world are a colossal joke.

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This doesn’t sound entertaining.

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sad but true. not gonna deny that I agree with you there.
nearly impossible to die in the open world due to PvE.
pretty sure someone can level a character 1-70 half drunk with one arm tied behind their back running through the game pulling every mob they see solo. LOL

lets change that?

In gaming a hardcore mode typically refers to death being permanent. Your suggestions all amount to what would basically be a survival version of the of the game.


fair ball. ill edit the post to reflect that this discussion is towards a survival type gameplay

It sounds like a cross between Ark Survival and Ultima Online.

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UO was my first true MMO and im glad it was. the game had guts to it.
what is reward without risk in an MMO?

yay, i haz all the leet gear and theres nothing anyone or anything can ever do to take it away from me no matter what. carry around thousands and thousands of materials in a bag and run at regular speed forever.

just makes the game for babies.

basically started this discussion for entertainment value for people who enjoy the risk/reward gameplay style and enjoy some elements of realism in the games they play.

i dont agree with or like the idea of a permanent death.
some players would be ganked endlessley and be put in an eternal state of just trying to level up. never mind earn conquest gear.

i dont mind seeing level 70’s running around in rags cause they got no gold and just got looted though
maybe keep some good gear or atleast a “backup set” in the bank incase you die and your gear is unrecoverable.

as an avid PvP player I would love it if I could keep farming conquest to buy backup gear for myself, then choose to risk my current set (or parts of it) for a bigger gain. right now im capped out on conquest points and i keep doing arenas and these points just build up and build up and theres nothing to spend them on.

I’m not sure why you feel this would be the case. If you added all this extra tedium and risk to the open world, people would just craft less and continue getting most of their gear from instanced content without the risk. I think its just wishful thinking on your part that you’d have a bunch of people in the open world to gank and take their things.

you can run a dungeon for a shot at 1 peice of gear per run or have a full set crafted for cost of materials, free if you gather it yourself.

Ah, so you are also changing the crafting system to make unlimited gear on par with raid/key gear with no time gated components?

just opening up discussion on that little bit there Valdrik. I think the key/raid gear would have to have some advantage over crafted gear. yes. how much? who knows, but enough to make it feel worth going and running a dungeon for that peice of gear.

crafted gear would be simply used as a “bandaid” between death and loss of all (or some gear) and going for that raid/key peice.

the whole idea of having to go out in the world and risk a players gear would be to gather things like materials and gold.

do what we used to do back in the early 2000’s and put your good gear in the bank and put on a set of rags and run out and give it a shot. if you loose everything all you’ve lost is rags.

if all your doing is gathering resources why would you have a full teir set/key set on?

this idea of a “survival” mode would give players the oppotunity to use their brains more and develop their own strategies and weigh their own risks according to the gain they want to acheive.

and one thing thats near and dear to my hear would be to have a mount be able to be dismounted, have it stay by your side, be able to feed it, maybe even talk to it or brush it and have it set to follow (with a slight stray pattern depending on how well its being treated by you)
your a hunter and you never feed your pets or mounts? your pets are less likely to jump and run at a command, might have to issue the command a few times before it obeys (if at all) dont take care of your mount? it might reject you on the spot, or it might “wander” when trying to walk or run in a straight line.

I think the bigger question is why would anyone be out in the world gathering resources if you can do just do instanced content where death doesn’t lose you anything? In the current game, people mainly gear up in instances. They would just continue to do that and never lose any gear.

not sure what your thinking here…

b…b… because resources are found in the open world and not dungeons???

This is how mmos were before wow reigned Supreme.


and how supreme they were Kyama. god i miss the good old days.

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Resources for what? You already have your gear from dungeons and raids and you never lose it if you stick to dungeons and raids. Crafting in WoW is for mainly a bad luck protection system where you can fill a few slots in that you haven’t gotten decent drops for. But for many people its just a completion project that people level up just do it. Crafting is nowhere near as core to gearing as drops from instanced content. If its become a risky thing to do, most people wouldn’t bother.

Lost me at this part, my guy. Not saying that you are, but I can’t read anything else in this thread without imagining you as some disgruntled gen-Xer about how ‘gamers these days are too soft’

I’m all for challenging game modes, but… yeah, yeah all of this sounds bad. All of it.

There might be a reason why you haven’t seen these mechanics like corpse running and looting, stamina and fatigue, or survival mechanics like these resurface as common attributes in games in the past near 30 years. It’s not because consumers are ‘babies’, it’s probably because most folks would take a look at what you proposed, realize that their very limited leisure time on this earth is finite and that maybe they shouldn’t be spending it on something that’s the equivalent of casually rubbing a cheese grater against their face.

I came to WoW because it had none of that in it. The only thing the op did not have in it was the loss of xp on death that could de-level you.


if you want to stick to running dungeons with zero risk. hey man. thats your call. you got your full set of max gear. so that leaves you just running dungeons over and over again for… what?
running dungeons and raids, in my view is only a means to aquiring good gear, once you got your good gear then its time to strategize and choose where you risk (if you want) for a bigger gain like BIG gold, unique and rare items.
remember that gold would be also lootable so up goes the risk up goes the reward.

dungeons and raids should not have AS significant of a gold yeild as say killing a rare or unlocking a single chest in the open world.

hope you are all enjoying the discussion so far! looking forward to someone posting their own ideas on this topic!