A discussion for entertainment

Well the open world doesn’t have big gold or cool items, so… :man_shrugging:

You are pretty much discussing a completely different game here not just an altered ruleset for current retail wow.

Hunger, weight, sleep…

That’s a Survival game…

Don’t get me wrong, survival games are fun, and set in WoW universe would be cool. But it would likely take a lot of work for small pay off.

It would be entertaining if pvp players can loot pvp gear from a corpse. I think it’s only fair since we know most pvpers are broke and they should have something to lose too.

well. i admit, never having to make tough decisions, never having to risk anything, having no concequences for any actions or words or death of a character, and mindlessly wander on a pre-set path where all you have to do is click “okay and next” and maybe cast a spell or two MIGHT seem like the way to go.

its just… something about this “survival” style that brings the game to life in ways that are hard to explain.

if someone does not want to play a survival style. noone is forcing them to play a survival style. why would you willing do something that feels like taking a cheese grater to the face when an alternative option that you already know and love is right next to it ready to play with the click of a button.

i just dont like the idea of “la-de-da, i have infinite everything and nothing can kill me or touch me and i am the best la-de da” I can say anything I like to anyone i want and noone can do anything about it because im the best.

not my style. seems. unhealthy to have this sort of mentality. even in a videogame.

people played dark souls. and loved it
people played ultima online. and loved it
people play Foxhole. and love it [i also play foxhole]

those people did not equtate it to “rubbing a cheese grater on their face”

they enjoyed it because there was a challenge.

quite literally the only challenge we currently have in modern retail wow is interacting with other team members in a way thats not an attack of character or intellect. its not the bosses, its not the mecahnics, its not the item level difference, its quite literally putting up with entitled people who are are the very top of those charts who make life difficult for everyone who they deem “sub par” I think they are that way, because they can not loose anything in the game, they cannot ever loose their armor in the game (which makes them what they are) they cant loose their gold, theres no way anyone can ever say or do anything to them in game that would count as a retaliation and these people continue to get shielded by the in-game availablity of protection.
they can opt out of PvP. noone can ever attack them.
they get a sense of accomplishment through “rating” where they are completely
protected from the open world and repair armor bills are so cheap they are nearly free.
one thing i love about the open world is that your rating dosent mean squat here son.

Have you ever tried albion online? The visual style is definitely not for everyone and it doesn’t offer everything you listed, but it does have the focus on open world gathering and crafting with open pvp and corpse looting. It has a healthy enough playerbase.

Well that’s true for the top players but not for everyone. Make the questing harder and you will lose people with less skill because they will hit a quest they can’t do and be dead in the water. They will have no choice but to stop playing because they won’t be able to get the next quest. Lost players, lost subscriptions.

I’ve always wondered why the top level players who call for harder questing can’t see that.

im not sure you fully understand what im talking about Tiffany. quests wouldn’t be any harder. the only thing that changes is what gear you have equipped. and also, if there was a survival mode similar to this, there would be no reason to remove regular WoW that people love and enjoy to this day. it would be just another game mode, like panada remix, or hardcore, or plunderstorm


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The game will then play like New world open beta , Eve online where players will go out practically naked and many of the high level areas or in eve low sec are devoid of players. That has proven time and again for past 20 odd years.

Why do players still think that this is what the WOW playerbase wants ?? The wow pvp playerbase has proven they prefer stomping ppl than having fairplay when gear scaling in pvp completely failed in past expansions . That why you have premade Bgs doing randoms bgs a stompfest , that why Solo queue arena has come into play . Now we are soon looking at something like sole queue Bgs as well . :rofl:

For me Hardcore and pvp in an open world don’t go along . Cause mostly its never going not be fairplay . You see this in Eve as well where capitals ships are accompanied by own fleet all the time , you never see them alone. You may play the game for years and never see one .

Everything else looks fine but it include no trading as well , this will only create seed and farming characters or even guilds to boost the main character

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horde VS alliance.
call a brother of arms to help you bring down a pack of orcs roaming around killing people.
almost forgot this is not FFA like ultima and other games. we have 2 factions. how exciting!

My feelings on this whole game mode idea, really. Anything that would encourage you to live like an OG Evercrack player probably should stay back in the 90s and early 2000s in the hole we dug for it.

Survival games are fun. Hard games are fun. I don’t think anyone would contest that they don’t like a good challenge now and then. That said, consider why, even after the successes of these games, why these mechanics aren’t frequently seen in games since (especially MMOs).

It’s because they don’t mesh well.

Sounds like you may be a wee bit too sensitive for gaming online if your group interactions lead you to thinking “Man, this guy said my DPS was sub par! If only I could attack him and show him how weak he is!”

We call that a “skill issue” in the biz. Anyways g2g, I’ve got some consequence-free raiding to do with my buddies who aren’t masochists. Deuces. :v:

It’s still a game where pvp isn’t optional and that isn’t going to draw the crowds you think it will.

imagine if you will, during this discussion for entertainment a “pack” of armed orcs riding across the land, and that one guy on his mic is blaring LOTR moridor music as they scour the lands to pillage and loot?

imagine a human from westgate, born poor but has the bow of the century on his back and he’s just waiting in the shadows as a hunter waiting to take his shot. maybe he’ll protect an innocent gatherer? maybe he’ll go fishing insead? who knows?

im actually going to throw on that LOTR tune right now and get psyched up


I vote put the war back in warcraft


orcs have clans as we all know, do all clans still unite as one and call peace or are there familys of orcs and friends who still want to fight.

maybe there are groups of human villages that still are under attack by rogue orc or troll units and those humans still have the will and want to fight back against them.

just because there is peace amongst two high tribes on a sheet of paper in stormwind dosent mean this human village dosent want to take up arms against a “pack” of rogue orcs terrorizing their land?

town npcs hold like 100gold each with a 10 or 20 minute spawner. go in, ravage a town or city get a few thousand gold and take off back home to the bank and deposit your reward.

and town guards would all of a sudden be everyones best friend again. hahahahha.
there are hundreds of NPC placed guards all over the game. HUNDREDS. 99.9% of them will never see use. with this “survival mode” guards will be put back into play. who knows, might have some high geared players just walking around the towns and cities protecting people incase of an attack?

Didn’t they recently do something similar to this? Where if you died you were dead and no coming back?

Either way, this isn’t something that would interest me but that’s me.

Full loot PvP games are a niche market for a reason. WoW doesn’t have the structure for it, and creating that structure is very unlikely to have any return on investment.

I mean, look no further than PvP servers before the introduction of warmode. 90% of them were heavily stacked in favor of one faction or the other. You think full loot is somehow gonna fix that discrepancy?

Could be the next plunderstorm/remix/sod.

You would have to imagine these scenarios because they wouldn’t exist even with this game mode.

There is a reason no one would ever make a game like this.

Yknow. There might be a way to get what you want.

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For me, it’s the communities they inevitably spawn in.

Everyone who’s played UO long enough usually has some crazy story of some old clan beef or some infamous player character that got involved in some vendetta or reign of terror in a certain area or region of the game, and while it’s fun hearing these stories second hand, dealing with it first hand is a different story.

These sorts of games eventually become hives of jerkwads, and I’m convinced that the only people who want to see these things make a comeback are as well. :person_tipping_hand:

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So you don’t want “Hardcore”, you want “Open World Survival PvP”.

Very different things. Hardcore has meant “1 life” and basically nothing else for a very long time across multiple games.

I would like to see Hardcore come to Retail, and it would need changes to be relevant (Even a generic -50% damage dealt, +100% damage taken set of debuffs would be fine), but it’s never going to be what you described.