A disconnect from technical issue is not comparable to a natural one

Just dont live in the United States.

Most of your infrastructure problems solved with that one weird trick.

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agreed!! i’m done with HC , only way they can kill me is with DC, good luck to those who stay though, glad to see classic ERA is super alive and kicking!

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Try finding a leveling partner to protect your character if you disconnect. I mostly quest or dungeon with a friend and he’s protected my character when I d/c’d multiple times now.

Have yet to DC on hardcore, my duo partner dcs often. Starting to think it’s the HC deathlog addon

so YOUR computer froze. Huh, you could learn to take better care of your PC so it doesnt happen again. Weird how youre blaming the game honestly

Theres risk of being hit by a car at any point walking down the street too. But it doesnt stop you from going places, does it? Cornball

Or download the HC addon, roll on a regular Era realm and appeal…appeal…appeal.

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Blizzard does not control the hundreds to thousands of miles of cables and airwaves of the Internet between their servers and your PC. It would be asking for trouble if it took responsibility for that, and you shouldn’t be blaming them for problems on said path.

On my journey to 60 I dc’d twice, and both times I was fortunate enough not tbe in combat.

If I were in combat and died between 45-59, I likely would’ve given up.

Some make it seem like only people who enjoy hc will not quit, that is wrong. Lot of people enjoy hc, but draw line at dc deaths.

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People like you are determined to destroy hardcore for everyone. Go play softcore. Stop whining.

That video of the high level mage dying to d/c was painful to watch. Just riding his mount through wintergrasp, server dropped him, quickly logged back in and was already dead.

I’m sure it sucks to go out like that, but there’s nothing you can do about it.

Bloodsail Buccaneers is an absolute ghost town.

sooo close
but no

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Yeah if you’re looking for group play then GG.

If you like being a SSF player then it’s fine. Unofficial didn’t allow for grouping outside of dungeons anyways, and that genuinely sucks to lose out on, but it’s definitely an option for some players.

just out of curiosity, would appeals for DC deaths really break people’s immersion that much? The fragility of not wanting appeals is absolutely astounding to me. Not everyone’s ISP is 100% perfect 100% of the time.

But then I remember that freshies decided this was the place for them.

Just be patient. Blizz is working hard on getting your piping hot n fresh season for you.

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DC death hits different for sure, can understand being pretty bummed out by it compared to dying in other ways. Definitely understand how that compounds with the no-appeals nature of official HC servers.

Hopefully it didn’t push you away indefinitely though.

Just died in Darnassus beside the banker while offline at level 45. Not even safe while offline and in a town … :frowning:

from what? lol