A disconnect from technical issue is not comparable to a natural one

I did, just because I agreed with it in order to play the game, doesn’t mean I fundamentally agree with the conditions in it, just that I agreed to put up with them.

Hence why I made this post, because I believe that it could be changed and improved for the better. Just like people have done throughout the history of this game.

I don’t think Blizzard has any desire to build up a department centered around the murky territory of that which is death appeals.

Not only because their MO seems to be to run as skeleton crew as possible, but also because it’s opening a massive can of worms in requiring certain evidence be provided, likely use of third party software, and also just because even if you start off with reasonable parameters, such as DC/Bug deaths, people will continue to advocate for more leniency because the current rules and regulations resulted in them not getting a death appeal.


The hardcore experience is accepting death.

And I have accepted the 4 where through playing the game I’ve died. It was unfortunate and wish I did better, but learn and improve. Hardcore can be more enjoyable then basic Classic because there is a risk with my character dying. It’s why I don’t know if I’ll bother continuing with them after a transfer.

Again, hardcore and death within the game is fine. It can hurt, but that’s what we’re signing up for. While I may be signing up for accepting a DC death is final, doesn’t mean we have to like it. And I definitely do not.

To be fair, this is something that one might argue is within your control. Anyway, that sucks.

How is a DC or a freeze inside my control? Even if you spend a ton of money on a top of the line machine, live in a metropolis city with the best you can buy internet connection, there is always the risk of a power outage, disconnection, or a computer problem leading to losing control of the game. But all those are doing is minimizing the chance, you can’t guarantee controls outside of the game can’t lead to a hardcore death.

Even then, why would we be aiming for a solution that is “just spend more money in real life”. Games should be able to be equal for us, not a wealth disparity.

I’m not sure why you’re moving the goalpost, but I didn’t say anything about a DC or Internet connection.

Your computer froze, and that isn’t something that happens completely outside of your control.

As I stated:

And one might argue that if you take better care with your system, which programs you have installed, addons, etc. what you have running, driver updates and so on, you will not face client freezes.

I’m not saying that everyone who plays does this or has to do this. I literally stated “one might argue.”

While you’re entitled to your own opinions, and I don’t think this has enough to do with the points being made in this thread to warrant any discussion, I would point out that it is only your opinion and not a truth or fact.

I have no idea why anyone would bother asking. Research the Diablo forums. They won’t give you your character back, for any reason. Plenty of history, there.

I wish there was a filter for these threads.

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Especially considering that we all have the exact same ruleset, and we are all literally subject to the same potential crash, DC, alt-tab run to the bathroom, etc. character deaths.

And even if people don’t read the whole thing, there’s zero excuse for not understanding what the popup warning says when you create a HC character,

“Any character that dies on a Hardcore realm can never resurrect on that realm for ANY reason.”

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you cannot control when a system has an malfunction, no matter how hard you try. it’s like saying you can stop your heart from stopping. you can exercise, eat well, etc. but you can’t really stop the act of your heart stopping when it begins to stop. same thing.

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You most certainly can in many cases!

What you are saying is that no matter how much maintenance we and preparations there are, there will always be errors and malfunctions, which is a different thing from negligence, and I’m not arguing that.

Note the wording:

And if we are given information, such as the crash report to review, we might have much more reason to argue this.

There is.

You activate it by not clicking on them.


I would think #5 would be even easier to accept with all that practice.

Sounds like another learning opportunity.

You knew the rules when you signed up. Stop claiming ignorance. You’re just another person wanting to appeal their character death on a whim using a random excuse to abuse the system.

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They are comparable, both send you to level 1

I don’t know why some people even play Hardcore if they can’t handle dying. Boohoo. Life isn’t fair; deal with it.

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Transfer the character, revive them, and head for that boss and finish the fight.

Then make a new character on Hardcore an go again.

Unfortunately blizzard pathetically makes deaths caused by its own buggy product part of the hard core experience by stuffing it in the terms and conditions you agree to on the character creation screen. I don’t like it but HC has been the break i needed from doldrums of retail.

By that point…that’s a skill issue.

But I am very glad that you are sticking with it and are keeping playing. I was questing with someone, he lost two in a row…he quit HC.

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