[A] <Deity> Tues/Weds 7pm-10pm EST!

is recruiting! We are a tight-knit community based guild that loves raiding with enjoyable people. We’re recruiting everyone from brand new raiders to old WoW veterans looking for a more casual mind set. Raid nights are Tues/Wed 7pm-10pm EST.
We are pushing for AOTC and are not opposed to stepping into mythic if enough people are interested.

Our major needs at the moment:

1-2 Healers (non holy paladin)
2-3 Ranged DPS (Warlock/Mage/Evoker/Ele shaman high prio) but we’re open to most range DPS
1-2 Melee DPS (DH/Warrior/Rogue/Monk high prio)

Look forward to talking to some of you!
How to reach us :
battle net id : Kakky#11298, discord id : Kakky#6309

Edit: feel free to comment here as well. I check frequently.

371 holy/ learning disc priest, also have a 383 bear and 384 blood as backup, been doing mostly Pubg mythics and lfr looking to get back into a raiding schedule


Sent you a friends request

Bump! 8/8 normal. Starting heroic for AOTC! In dire need of warlock / mage and 1 range DPS!

Bump! LF 1 DPS (any class EXCEPT hunter). 6/8 Heroic, had brood @ 2% last night. Working towards AOTC in next 2 weeks! Comment here or mail Kakkyh in game

Bump! officially 8/8N 8/8H! Come join the club get AotC and learn Mythic with us. 7pm-10pm EST Tues/Wed. nights. Chill vibes are highly welcome

1/8 mythic now. Looking for 3 solid DPS + a healer. Mage / DK / DH dps HIGH prio, but open to most specs.

2/8 mythic, 8/8 heroic.

LF 1 Healer + 3 dps!

413 dh. 8/8hc 2/8m xp. Could be interested in joining if you have spot for a havoc. Possibly have a Warrior DPS friend as well. Diabolic#1632