deathGrab is an old-school vanilla guild and gaming community with our eyes set on Cutting Edge.
Raid Times:
Mythic progression nights are on Tues/Weds from 7:30pm-10:30pm (CST).
Current Progression:
10/10H 7/10M
We are currently looking for players who can do mechanics and maintain strong DPS and/or healers to fill our mythic roster. We are primarily looking for the following, but any exceptional players will be considered.
Ranged DPS:
Aff Lock
Ele Shaman
Fire Mage
Resto Shaman
Disc Priest or Holy Priest
Here is a quick overview of what we expect of our raiders:
- Keep character up to date
- Be aware of boss fights/mechanics
- Exorsus Raid Tools / DBM
- Weapon enchants, potions, etc.
- Regularly attend raid or notify officers if you are unable to attend
- Positivity and a willingness to learn
Cauldrons, feasts and vantus runes will be provided.
Feel free to contact us if interested!
Discord: Panderp#4050
Bnet: Panderp#11692