[A] <Damage Networks> Guild Review (the guild is recruiting)

I ran into Damage Networks on the boat from Menethil Harbor to Theramore Isle. They were on their way to kill Onyxia and I was remarking in ./say on how cool it was they were raiding. I was unguided at the time and level 53. My previous guild was loosely held together and then not held together.

After talking with a few of their members, Damage Networks sent me a guild invite and I can’t be happier. The guild has been super helpful, supportive, informative, and I get to raid. They make good decisions about raiding and raid encounters and scheduling and loot. They are focused and fun. I highly recommend them and I have enjoyed being part of their guild since.

See the guild application link below if you are interested.

Grobbulus in a great server too, transfer to Grob and join ! If you transfer to Grobbulus don’t say you are new in /general, most people will say “Leave Grobbulus, it is dead!” but it is not dead, those people selfishly want Grobbulus to themselves.