[A][Dalaran] <Mogs and Logs> 7/8M Recruiting DPS

<Mogs and Logs> Is a newer guild started in BFA. We have recruited and grown fast but are still looking for a few more players of similar skill to join us in creating an awesome community and progress the hardest content. We are already 7/8M and our intent is to keep a roster of 21-23(max so everyone gets their kills quickly) raiders for comp and flexibility and will always continue to recruit exceptional players to maintain competitiveness but with that roster we can ensure everyone will get their kills. We want to recruit and trial a few more DPS going into 8.1 to have a great start to down bosses quickly - we will be CE and shooting to be a top guild.

Community: We are looking to be a highly competitive guild on a casual raid schedule (6 hours per week top 300). Leaders have previous top 100 experiences, and are also MDI competitors. Our group of friends love to do Mythic plus & sell them as well as the occasional RBG/PVP (I myself have two rank 1 titles) and that is a huge part of our community having things to do with each other outside of raid nights. About half or more of the raid team has IO scores of 1.5k+. We provide Cauldrons and Feasts and building the bank currently to eventually provide repairs.

Recruitment Needs: Below are our current priority needs, however if you are an exceptional Tank or DPS please still reach out to us.

*DPS: SPriest, WW Monk, Demon Hunter, Warrior, DK, Mage, Ele Sham
*Healer - Resto Shaman (Would love a Shaman who can Ele and Resto).


  • Great Attendance & Ready to accept invites 10 min. prior to raid
  • Knowledge of your class and how to maximize your potential on any encounter including playing off-spec if needed (min of 80% avg parse on WL)
  • Battle & Healing Potions as well as enchants & gems in/on your gear
  • Good attitude during raid and able to take positive criticism No negativity/racism/sexism/name calling/raging during raid we are all adults!
  • A working mic and decent computer (no toasters)

Raid Times: Tuesday + Thursday 8pm - 11pm EST (Server - EST)
Contact Information (Please reach out via Discord to get ahold of us as we have it on our phones):
RealID - Deathlobsta#1397 Discord - Deathlobsta#5053
RealID - Easybake#1369 Discord - Shotskie#3524