[A] <Currently Online> is recruiting active raiders, socials, and casual players

If you don’t have Fyr’alath yet, we’re doing all-plate runs in a mad rush to try to get it before pre-patch!

Warbands here we come!

Are y’all ready to face The War Within? Come find your place in Currently Online!

We’re looking to take on [insert boss] as a group of friends! Get in here!!!

Trial runs have begun!

Getting all those alts to 70 before the new expansion releases! What about y’all?

Hi ho, hi ho, its off to raid we go!

Working on getting raid ready! Come join us!

Busy busy!

So much to do in this new expansion, and it’s all better with friends!

Hey party people! We’re always looking for some fine folks to join us for raids, dungeons, and battlegrounds alike! Come join us in Discord and join in on the fun!

Congratulations Just Pixels and Slippery When Wet on obtaining AOTC!

i’m looking to do some M+ as i dont have a shedual that really allows raiding. I have a hunter and 2 ret pallys over 610. Kinda hard to get much higher doing solo content.

Eckoh#1960 is my battle tag

We have a pretty active M+ scene. See the first post in this thread for the link to our Discord and come join us if it looks like your type of guild!

I’m pushing M+, why aren’t you?! (join the guild)

We moving and grooving!

Come check your Winter Veil presents with Currently Online!

Nice. Its impossible to find an active guild these days. Do you have memvers who pvp. Im horrible at pve

We do have a Rated PvP team, and several people that do casual PvP each season, but I would say we are predominately PvE focused. We also have an learning team that does normal difficulty raids each week which is a great place to start if you are looking to improve your PvE skills.