You have 190 posts, which means you are probably pretty new and you’re already having to mute threads, report people and put people on ignore daily… the issue might be you Haugs. OP probably isn’t a troll, but if you’re going into threads and encouraging other people to report other people because they have opinions that you don’t like, well, you just might be.
I feel like this is spot on.
The complaints about OP aren’t super realistic. He obviously wanted to make a comparison between two expansions of two different games and was immediately shut down by people whom didn’t want to have any part of a discussion, and instead insulted him and called him a troll.
I don’t know, I don’t really care either way. I think this is a non-issue. Both games are going to have good and bad expansions, and discussing what works in other MMO’s can help WoW, so it isn’t off topic. Just my thoughts.
Only time other mmos should be mentioned is when they do something better so blizz can improve (this also goes for mentioning things wow does better in other mmo forums).
It shouldnt be used to stroke blizz ego thats already too bloated as is.
You do realize none of that has anything to do with 14, right? CBU3 is in Japan, the cuts were mostly in publishing since they canceled other games. Their MMO division has seen nothing but growth to the point it’s basically propping up the entire company lol.
It would have held more weight if he actually made any ounce of a comparison between the two games. The “comparison” defense is a meaningless justification for why the thread shouldn’t be yeeted off the forums since it has absolutely nothing to do with WoW beyond namedropping Shadowlands in the title.
If you come to the WoW forums and hard lean into griping about FFXIV, then I don’t know why you wouldn’t expect to be called a troll. He could have easily made this thread on the FFXIV forums, where there are a plethora of complaints being leveraged at the game. Coming here was a means to instigate people.
Clearly, you’re not on Twitter, because you would see people directly and targeting harassing the individual because they’re transgender. Grummz has been on a massive tangent about it this past week and how FFXIV is now “woke” because of it.
There are bad actors targeting the VA, Wuk Lamat and DT as a whole due to her being trans, however, that isn’t a core issue and exists in an isolated vacuum.
My personal take is that the VA is lovely and did a fine job and the character itself is adorable with her incredibly expressive eyes / features.
The writing for her however is atrocious and manages to make Sylvanas a redeemable character by a landslide.
See I disagree, but I don’t think it’s terrible. I hadn’t heard of this before now but after watching a few clips it seems like everyone is making it a bigger deal than it really is.
The voice acting is just kind of…there. It’s neither great nor terrible.
Wow, yes that is pathetic. Nah I’m not on Twitter, the closest thing I have is coming here. For all the crap I give this forum, it’s a lot saner than anything on social media.
Just came here to laugh at the very notion of anything being “worse than shadowlands” in any capacity, let alone Final Fantasy Fourteen of all Things.
Like you either have to not how just how truely, utterly, soulcrushingly terrible Shadowlands was on a multidisciplinary level, or you’re looking to try and stir a pot for clicks.