[A] is Recruiting for 25-man, Wed-Thur at 7:30 PM PST - 11 PM PST
Recruiting: a Boomy, 2Hpally’s, Locks, Spriest, Hunter, for main roster.
Raid times: Wednesday and Thursday at 10:30 PM server - 1:30 AM server.
About us: We are a raiding guild that consists of a group of friends who are experienced raiders from retail and classic., we are actively looking to fill our 25 man raid team with members who are looking to Push content. We want to make the most of our 2 days of raiding. We raid Wednesday/Thursday 10:30 EST- 2:00 EST. We are a loot council guild that primarily looks at attendance, performance, and overall betterment of the raid.
Requirement: short interview,
Contact: Discord DezVal#3780 Mythelyth#7892 Tupperware#0005
Battle.net: sparten#1753