A courteous word about LGBT representation

Considering the site is complex with multiple different statistics and you already tried to twist with that household bit. Yeah, not buying. Again, basic math. 20 million adults ID as LGBTQIA+, even if we go full 339 million US population that’s still 5.8%.

My friend, I was an analyst for Discover Card for 15 years, I’m LEAN certified. Those are how statistics work with 6 Sigma and 6 Sigma is well respected and used the world over. DMAIC methodology has been proven accurate over and over again. You’re welcome to research it yourself, and I provided the specific google search to get the sample size calculator. The larger your population the larger your sample size up until a certain point, at that point, statistically, the chance of your sample size not being relatively accurate to your overall population becomes non existant.

Here, let’s take it a step further. Let’s say you want to get the number of people in the US that identify as LGBTQIA+. We’ll stick with the 339million which includes children, but let’s go big. Let’s throw it all the way to the extreme, we want it to be 99% Confidence Level with a 0.1% Confidence Interval. Our sample size is… 1,655,971. To have a near perfect poll sample you would need to only speak to less than 1% of the population. If you bump that Confidence Interval to just 1% the sample size is only 16,640.

To look at Gallup, we are talking around 210 million ADULTS in the US and their sample size was 360k? Alright. So if we do the math in reverse we find out that they can be assumed 99% accurate with a 0.22% confidence interval. IE a 7.1% stat could be as low as 6.88% or as high as 7.32%.

Again, I’m not throwing some revolutionary idea out that I made up or pulled from some extreme site. I’m using analytics methodology embraced by major banks, government organizations and other major businesses that were established in 1986 and have been refined continuously since then. (Literally the point of the methodology is to find an answer to something, find the root cause behind it and thus be able to accurately address without wasted effort).


Thanks for your exhaustive statistical analysis here.

yes, 95% certainty on a 5% margin of error but companies are paying billions to buy data. weird they’re not paying pennies to just send out surveys that are this accurate. any logical human being can see how flawed this system is.

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You’re confusing issues.

For the record, most companies do do massive surveys, and they work on that data too.

And no, Gallup is not 95% accurate with a 5% Margin of error. As I said. With an adult population of approximately 210 Million and a sample size of 360 thousand, we are talking 99% Confidence Level with a .22% confidence interval.

What’s more, and we didn’t talk about this yet, the further away a survey result gets from an even split, the less like that confidence level matters. If you’re looking at something that is, say, 51% to 49% then even that 1% can be significant. But when you’re talking something like 7.1%, well, it’s even more likely to be accurate.

You’re welcome to go get your bachelors in engineering, there’s a master offered for Six Sigma if you’d like to really go indepth.

I can’t help but note how you’re not actually finding anything to discredit or argue what I said, just anecdotes on the side that aren’t even accurate in themselves. Because companies DO rely on opinion surveys. In fact, I know of two major financial institutions that rely 100% on customer satisfaction surveys for their call quality with internal audit only concerning themselves with a sample audit (using the above math) to test for legal compliance issues.

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I didn’t read the wall of text, I just saw a lvl 10 and spotted a troll

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This won’t solve that.

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Intolerance of intolerance is mandatory for a functional society.


I’ve said my piece, you’re fabricating excuses as to not hear it.
I hope you can open your mind at some point. Hopefully sooner than later, for the children.

You’re aware that you literally asked them to check out a tiktok classified as an esoteric terrorist that’s incited violence against many LGBTQIA+ people yes?


Oh they know.
They don’t care.

Given that it’s been brought up prior that that group foments hate.

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They all know. It’s why we’ve seen antisemitic conspiracy, criticism of “lack of free speech” (lack of understanding of Amendment I), direct abuse of LGBTQ+ persons via demonization and libelous claims, abuse of trans players (“you are not a woman”, mentally disturbed/ill, etc. - I’ve had this targeted at me twice today, same individual each time)…

It’s been ugly.

At least we can take some small solace in the fact that we know they don’t got the balls to do this irl.

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I don’t get what’s so hard for people to understand.

If you tolerate intolerance it just fosters more intolerance.

A lot of people may not know this, but Chaya Raichik (who made and runs the LibsOfTikTok account) was also at the Jan. 6 riot so that’s how you know she’s a wingnut (if it wasn’t obvious).

Someone figured it out months ago by finding her previous handles on Twitter and then using the Wayback Machine; before starting her career as a professional bigot / right-wing social media influencer, she was a real estate investor (and maybe still is, idk) and she took off from work that day to join the sore losers parade to the Capitol

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Your piece is utterly nonsensical, and the source you cited is possibly the most overt proliferator of discrimination on the platform, which in itself is possibly the worst “source” for information you could possibly use. Nothing screams “I want to stay stupid” than garnering your ideas and their logical justifications from 20 second soundbites on tictok.

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The Bully Mentality in the Gay Community is getting out of hand.

Not everyone is going to give you a standing ovation when you announce you’re gay.

Most people really just don’t care, and find it uncomfortable when they get bludgeoned over the head with the topic.

And when they have the NERVE to voice that opinion, they get verbally attacked.

Some of you in the gay community have become worse than what you claim to be fighting against.

Please stop attacking everyone that doesn’t 100% agree with everything you say.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful day/night.


The fact that LibsOfTikTok blew up after QAnon fizzled out doesn’t seem like a coincidence; all the right-wing religious nutjobs who feel they are protecting children by doing what they already wanted to do anyway (i.e., elect Republicans and force religious fundamentalism on people) never went away.

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Good news: all the LGBT stuff in game is not political and also is easy to ignore if you’re that mad about it.

Bad news: The game is called World of Warcraft, and war is fundamentally political (if it’s between states at the very least). Maybe all the people who are mad about politics in-game need to talk about taking the war out of Warcraft!


… I truly love it when people exclaim that there are only two things you can safely portray in video games or just about any entertainment medium:

  • A cisgender, heterosexual, Caucasian person
  • “Political”

I assume you have made equally nonsensical posts about every representation of a “real life political issue” in WoW, of which there are vast numbers, and not just about this SPECIFIC political issue, which isn’t actually political?

No? You haven’t? Gee, I can’t imagine why that would be.

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