A courteous word about LGBT representation

same sex households made up .2% of the american population in 2021 - even if you double or triple that, hell even quadruple that for margin of error, you’re still not even at 1%

us census says 3.3% gay population for 2021 and you can give a 1% margin of error for that as well if you’d like.

gallup poll is silly because it samples 360k people and then assumes that is right in scale based on a 339 million population. that is insane.

The same figure (~8%) comes up in regard to analyzed data from the Census Bureau’s 2021 Household Pulse Survey, from just prior to Dec. 9 2021. This would seem to suggest that the Gallup poll may be closer to the actual value.

I haven’t seen this meme referenced in a while lol.

Yes, I can talk and have a civil discussion without the ad hominems.

Case in point

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won’t let me link but i have 3.3% for gay and 4.4% for bisexual so maybe you or your study are lumping them together.

Are we trying to use population statistics to determine how much of the game should be LGBTQ+? I think a better population to use would be those who play video games. I log into Twitch and see quite a few LGBTQ+ tags there. I wonder how much of the population that plays video games is LGBTQ+.


its being shown to prove pandering.

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A fast google search says 10% of those who play video games are gay. Does that change anything?

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If those two frogs are gay. Does that mean the other frogs are straight? So we’ve been murdering straight frogs for decades!

I didn’t twist anything, you don’t even disagree with me, you just are arguing one type of response to another. Also, Dylenne then explains the quote further. You start with speech and move forward. PS, what do you suppose we’re doing here on these forums? PPS, what do you think the natural result of speech leads to? PPS, please point out a time I have ever called for censorship.

I quoted HRC quoting the US Census, then provided Gallup results as well. But sure, whatever makes it easier for you to feel “right” without actually discussing the point.

And who would those be? I’ll wait.

What have I denied? Also, you do know there’s a difference between “A: I don’t like that X exists at all” and “B: I don’t like that Y wants me to not exist.”?

You jumped from population to households, which is disingenuous, you also didn’t quote a source. I’m getting my numbers from Gallup and the US Census.

To be very clear, the census reports around 20 million LGBT identifying people, specifically excluding the QIA+ portion. The adult population of the US is around 209 million. That’d be 10.45% at simple math. But sure, claim something tweaked to help your argument.

Actually, that’s statistics. Once a population gets to a certain size the needed sample size for relative accuracy starts becoming smaller. For instance, the sample size needed to be 95% accurate in your assesment of a population of 339 million with a 1% margin of error would be only 9604. And if you brought the total population up to 3.39 billion it would be… 9604. After a while it stops growing at all. Google iSigma6 Sample Size Calculator if you want to learn more. It’s the type of sampling methodology major banks use to stay compliant, or test marketing responses, etc.


The way I always look at it, I’ve always tries to side with the artists and the devs that want to make something that they want.

Times change and interests evolve. There will probably be more LGBTQ+ content. So rather than trying to QQ about it, perhaps people should look inward and maybe play something more christian instead.


pushes my agenda everywhere

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im legit staring at the census dot gov website saying 3.3% of adults over 18 are gay in 2021. if i could post it, i would. no one is twisting anything

the second part of your post is just utterly and completely wrong so not worth responding to that one.

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Man GD is either really inside the closet or really really easily offended if a few gay couples bother them this much.


All you people talking about how the OP’s eight percent figure is wrong because gay people are this or that percentage of the population are simply illiterate, because the eight percent figure also assumes that bi people exist in WoW in similar proportions to IRL and that they’re all in same-sex relationships for the sake of argument.

But also the OP’s argument isn’t good anyway because of how radically the percentage of people who identify as bisexual changes from generation to generation depending on how socially acceptable it is to have same sex attractions, which means the true number could we higher than we’ll ever know unless we somehow get to a point where it’s equally socially acceptable to be gay as it is to be str8 which it obv isnt

the us census who physically will find you and ask you all of these questions is not wrong because you feel like it is.

Are we really going to split hairs and separate each numeric value out? The figure quoted multiple times accounts for as close to all LGBTQ+ people who responded on the census, not a single individual subsection.

I guess maybe I’m in trouble with the govt or whatever but I don’t remember writing down that I was gay on any government paperwork in 2020, LOL

Gentle correction. The acronym is LGBT. I feel it is important to point out the importance of getting the entire acronym in there as the trans community has also done A LOT for the lgbt and they deserve the recognition as well.

Absolutely no offense is intended nor do I mean to shame you. Accidents happen and mistypes happen! <3


it started in 2021