A courteous word about LGBT representation

These mental cases don’t care. The only thing they care about is themselves. You can’t talk to them, there is no point.

Their views Trump all other views. Because… reasons aka Feelings

Tell entire groups of people they are wrong, while they scream tolerance. What a joke they have become.


Where in Elune’s armpit did you extrapolate that from?

The post you were replying to was about someone committing mass murder so yeah, that sounds pretty hateful.

I mean feel free to disagree but you’re not doing yourself any favors.

That’s a big accomplishment. To think little ol me would have that much of an influence, I think it’s a good sign if I manage to anger the right people.

Translation: “You made us feel so angwy stop being a snowflake”

All I can do is laugh at you. I don’t know what else to do. You live in a clown world, You take what people say, twist it to mean what you want it to mean so you can play victim/snowflake.

Clearly, You alone did not piss off the world… Honestly… I aint even going to go through this with you. No point. Good luck in life, you’re going to need it!

I think I got a Bingo!


There’s a valid and logical hypocrisy to tolerance. To be tolerant one has to be intolerant of intolerance.

Look, you want to find LGBTQIA+ “icky” as you said a few hundred posts back? Knock yourself out. That’s your call and preference and hang-up. But all your rights do is give you the right to feel that way and choose not to engage in it or with that community. You have no rights to demand that community hide away, or act like they’re villains. You have no right to deny someone’s right to be themselves, even if you don’t personally like it. Your rights also do not free you from the consequences of your actions.

In the scope of Warcraft here, you have every right to not like the very tiny handful of LGBTQIA+ NPCs in the game, you can exercise that right a few ways.

  1. You could just skip those quests or not bother with those quest texts, they’re all optional. The consequence is that you don’t get those quests, simple enough.

  2. You can complain on these forums or other places. But then you accept the negative attention you’ll bring on yourself since, well, there’s no legitimate argument for the whole “Shoving down our throats” claim. You also reveal your own prejudices and bigotry which can result in, again, negative attention.

  3. You can choose not to play the product. The consequence there is you don’t get to play the product, up to you how big a deal that is.

There may be other options, but ultimately, no one is forcing anything on you, no one is denying you any rights.

This comment is horrendously understated.

great post and no comments besides the lgbt population statistic.

it is substantially lower - america alone is around 2.7-4.8%.

Just wanting to confirm what’s going on here - what is that statistic from? The 7.1% cited is from a Gallup poll reported mid-February this year.

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I dunno, all I see are people acting like they’re the victim because gay frogs exist in a video game.


Hmm, HRC shows around 8% as of December last year based on US Census. Gallup says 7.1% of adults. 8% is a generalization but it’s not incorrect. I’d be curious where you claim of 2.7%-4.8% comes from, because I can’t find it.

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Nonsense. Please quit twisting Karl Popper’s quote. He actually goes on to say in his book you need to tolerate whatever YOU perceive as “intolerance” and combat it with speech, not through censoring or social ostracism.

Edit: Nvm, you are spouting HRC facts. HRC is a super PAC for Democrats, not an actual body that really cares about social improvement.

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Popper’s full quote says to combat with speech (rational argument and public opinion specifically) when possible, but suppression when the intolerant are unwilling to engage rationally. As I’ve seen a number of times here, it’s been quite irrational at times.


Well speech is rational, even if you find it distasteful.

It’s quite a narcissistic impulse to appoint YOURSELF as the supreme arbiter of what is and isn’t rational. Speech is rational.

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You guys need to stop taking “tolerate my intolerance” seriously and point out what it actually is:

They want their victims to not fight back.


Very true of modern progressives, yes.

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Won’t someone think of the real victims here?

The poor “conservatives” facing consequences for their words and actions.

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You’d be surprised to find that many of us are quite willing to engage in rational discussion, even civility, when given due reason to. When our fears are dismissed out of hand, when people call for hate crimes or the revocation of rights (such as mine to seek the care I deserve), then there is no rationality.

Actually the real victims are people who maybe unwisely imbibe dangerous mindsets, and do irreversible harm to themselves in the pursuit of happiness, or engage in practices that are damaging to them and their loved ones.

Without the checks and balances of conversation, without hearing the pros and cons of both side, the above scenario keeps happening.

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As an exhibit, I’d like to cite this, which I can say has gone quite negative when others have used the same line or its extensions. I would recommend care in elaborating this.

I don’t have a right to deny but you people sure seem like you think you do. And that is my point. But you can…

Carry on being victim #976,234,192