A courteous word about LGBT representation

Also, you do know this is a bit on the nose, right? Good satire relies on obfuscation. Even the Onion maintains that its entire premise doesn’t work if everyone immediately knows it’s false when someone reads their content.

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Are we not gonna mention the amount of “females” that were selling their bodies in classic and TBC to get their clears done or straight up gold?

That Amicus was ironically even more hilarious when someone who was an actual lawyer took the time to explain the whole situation.

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It’s a pretty important case they’re handling IMO. Freedom of expression is one of the most important things to protect if you ask me, and that extends to patient 0 for this.

I kinda of view Centaur as being based off of Mongolian culture. And they do have officiated weddings so a centaur having an officiated wedding isnt weird.

We have to remember that the concept of marriage has been around for tens of thousands of years

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But OP, I do like putting Guacamole on my BLT, why do people hate that? It’s delicious.

AS I SAID…if it said ‘reunites with her husband’ you’d have never said a word, lmao.
i said what I said in the matter. if you respond to me again I’ll block you

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Not agreeing with something is now hate? Then you hate us just as much because you don’t agree with our way of thinking.

Stop with hate, racist and phopbia’s because its just all lost meaning do to over use by idiots like you.

You have done one thing for sure, pissed most of the world off with your need to be the center of all the universe. You don’t want to be accepted, you already where. You wanna be a special snow flake… Well you much like the other 12 billion people are not freaking special. Your a speck on a speck of a speck. Get over yourself you look pathetic!

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873 replies. Who is moderating these forums?

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We in the LGB community, as well as the TQ+ brigade, are pampered and privileged beyond all reason simply by existing in the West. Here, it is seen as equal and allowed, to the point they are given every right guaranteed by our Constitution.

But if you look beyond that little bubble, there’s like 80% of the world where it is NOT seen as equal or even legal. Where homosexuals have to be hidden or even registered. And to say that OUR way of life is right and theirs is wrong, while ignoring their centuries of culture or societal norms and beliefs is both extremely arrogant and insulting.

I can’t believe I finally get to say this un-ironically, but check your privilege.


You’re joking, right? The subjective people have different societies and cultures is great when it comes to something like what holidays you celebrate. When it comes to “People should have the right to live their lives without fear for being who they are so long as it isn’t hurting anyone.” No. Sorry, the ones who want to oppress that are wrong. Even if their culture goes back centuries. Centuries of doing the wrong thing is still the wrong thing.

Then again, the fact that you divide the LGBTQIA+ and then claim we’re pampered and priveleged “beyond reason” because we don’t automatically have to fear death for existing…


l encourage you to really examine why you feel this way, because in no way have any of the same-sex couples in Dragonflight been “shoved down [your] throat”.

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The US Constitution doesn’t guarantee anything to all LGBT people in the West unless you assume the US is the only nation in the West.

Also, it is actually not ignorant at all to say that societies that oppress LGBT people are wrong, even if they’re really used to doing it (or in other words, even if it’s part of their “culture”).

Also it’s funny how right-wingers are always saying that LGBT people in relatively progressive nations are wrong to focus on criticizing their own nation’s handling of LGBT issues when other nations (e.g., in the Middle East or Eastern Europe) are so much worse, yet right-wingers will also defend the anti-gay policies of a nation like Qatar for example when western activists have a dispute with local authorities over wearing clothing with rainbows on it or whatever


That’s because we are divided. LGB community is same-sex attracted individuals, TQ+ is for gender nonconforming people. The two are as separate as oil and water.

And someone else replied to me with the topic of Qatar, so I’ll use that as an example. Qatar is DEEPLY Muslim as a country. Everything about them centers around their belief in the Qur’an, like most middle-eastern countries. The Qur’an is very adamantly against homosexuality. By dismissing them, you’re not just discarding their views on homosexuality, you’re disparaging their entire way of life via insulting their religious views. You can not like it all you want, but the majority of Qatar citizens DO believe the way they do, and follow the tenets of their faith, which is why I say it takes someone insanely arrogant and self-absorbed to deject an entire people all over a belief that you yourself hold.

In fact, I think we had a World War a few decades ago over that very problem…

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And yet I’ve never encountered, in a decade of being actively involved with the community, people that did any type of division or exclusion without being problems.

Yes, I am disparaging their way of life, or rather, the specific part that says it’s alright to hurt or punish people over sexuality or gender identity. I similarly disparage christian fundamentalists and any other faith or group that tries to play that card.

First of all, no. It takes morality and ethics. Your argument is like saying it’s wrong to look at pre-civil war south and say they were wrong for slavery. Just because a culture does something and has for a long time does not somehow justify it.

And yeah, we DID have a World War a “few decades” (8…) because we “insanely arrogant and self-absorbed” people thought that it was NOT okay for a Country’s Culture of White Supremacy to slaughter and kill people they didn’t approve of.

I get you were trying to be clever, implying we entered the war because the evil Axis countries were arrogantly disparaging other peoples. But guess what, the description spins both ways which just proves your attempt to have some sort of absolutist stance on it is immature. Context, details and reasons flavor and code everything and always have. It is wrong to disparage Qatar because they worship an Abrahamic God. It is perfectly fine to disparage Qatar for hate crimes.

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No, I mean really. Like… what?

You think it is “privilege” that gay people get to exist without being beaten, murdered, having equal rights under law, or anything else granted to you in the west having been fought for for the better part of a century?

Are you a moron?

I honestly feel like you either misunderstood the post, or completely misunderstand the discussion.

There are a great many things which I can happily say, without any qualms whatsoever, are right and wrong. Murder is wrong. Unnecessary violence is wrong. Human rights are universal. None of these things are based on “privilege”; some places are simply very far behind in development of human civilization.

It is not the fault of the average person in these places that they hold opinions and beliefs that are wrong, but the fact that those beliefs that they hold are based on societal norms or beliefs does not make them less wrong.

If their beliefs are so immutable as to render the existence of a significant number of humans untenable, that belief is overtly wrong. Wrong, as in “against any reasonable conscience”. If there is no means by which Islam can come to grips with homosexuality and transgenderism, it has no place in any progressive society.

The reality, of course, is that there are many Muslisms who simply do NOT believe as you state they do, and more still who look for ways to allow for people in their religion. Religion is not immutable, and all religions have changed many times for many reasons; as much as anything else, religion is a product of the society it exists in, rather than the opposite.

Yes, it is wrong, because it was a different time. That’s not an excuse for slavery, that’s not saying slavery is okay, it’s saying this was a different people in a different world at a different time and we can’t understand the mindset. Every country engaged in slavery, it’s how our world was built. You can look at the Southern Democrats and be disgusted by their enslavement of people because it’s wrong now, but back then? It was common practice and legal.

Anyway, I’m starting to think your mind just isn’t mature enough to understand nuance, so I don’t think there’s anything more to be gotten from this exchange. Also, I don’t converse with racists and bigots. Try to open your mind a bit in regards to those different, and don’t just innately hate them because they are different.

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Different time doesn’t matter. Wrong is wrong, ethics and morality are able to be distinguished without cultural or religious oversight. Sorry you can’t comprehend that.

Edit: just realized you tried to claim it would be wrong to condemn slavery if you were alive in the time when it was legal… So all the abolitionists, all the people who opposed it from the get go… Were they amoral in your eyes because they weren’t going along with what was the cultural norm at the time?

No, no matter how you spin it, back then people who supported slavery were wrong, objectively, and their upbringing or culture does not excuse it and never has. Also, the idea that something being legal can somehow preclude right and wrong is hilarious, specially in contrast with your later claim that I don’t understand nuance.

You just tried to give universal dictates on rather something was right or wrong in an example where both sides were doing the thing you were talking about. But way to go straight to attacking and insulting.

the thing i find hilarious about all of this is that danuser retconned all of the appearances of deceased characters as ghosts in various quests/lore as hallucinogenic visions, which i don’t think i need to tell you the implications of for one of the centuar questlines. pretty funny stuff.

The blizzard story team seems obsessed with the subject for sure.