A courteous word about LGBT representation

You didn’t even use the sign correctly…

Yes, you’re right. Being banned from a video game forum is equivalent to being burned alive. Another excellent opinion from Pyrano.

I used it as an arrow. Not “poop is less than your opinion”, but “your opinion is this piece of poop”.

I was talking more about this

judgment or social recourse

but alrighty. Pretend there isn’t a culture war. Whatever.


No it doesn’t.

lets do our best to turn this into a music thread.

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Of course there is a culture war. There has never, ever, in the history of humanity, not been a culture war. The entirety of humanity is one moveable feast of culture war. Besides that period in the dark ages, humanity near-unilaterality moves slowly toward progressivism as its intelligence increases. That isn’t likely to change; we just have to deal with you in the meantime.

No, I imagined it to be like a fresh poop. Still steaming and attracting the flies.


You mean manure, right?

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Definitely something a gay person ‘oppressed by LGB and T’ would consider cringe.

Drat, people accept me as a human being now. I hate it.

I’m not sure it was him, but it was a DH and the character icon was similar…

There was some guy who in one thread said it was wrong of the rest of the world to judge Russia for its treatment of gay people, and not everywhere is the same, people have the right to their opinions, etc etc. As a gay person, benefiting from 100 years of progressive “culture war” to get him his rights in America as they exist today. Because screw those Russian gays, they just get to put up with it.

Again; might not be this guy but the MO is identical.

I remember a few “Eww! Romance in my war game!” at the time, which I thought was funny given how many male players tend to hit on you once they discover you actually are a female irl.

No, the cringe comes from the supremely arrogant and narcissistic take that somehow this is all a grand march to some utopia when it’s abundantly clear that “progress” is just another different vehicle for misery.

And of course, actual LGB people have to take the brunt of it.

Progressivism is not some idealistic scenario that leads to the promised land. It just happens to flatten out the differences between people.

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Oh look, more opinions. :poop:

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Really not a fan to be honest. It should be hard to spot and kept secret. Unless it is a female/female relationship. Then it is fine.