A courteous word about LGBT representation

I for one think WoW isn’t gay enough

I want romance quests with various NPCs of various races genders & sexualities

More specifically, I want to scissor a murloc, it’s my biggest fantasy

I want a gratuitous scissoring cutscene between my character & a murloc & I will accept no substitutes

I should start a petition

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Yes… it does. I’m sorry, did you somehow interpret what I said as somehow supportive of LGBTQIA+ and a super awesome ally? Cause that’s not what I said.

I said it shows that the bigotted and hateful are a small enough portion that marketing doesn’t care about them. That the LGBTQIA+ are big enough to warrant attention.

That’s a symptom, a side effect. It’s a sign that society is changing and companies seeking profit adapt to stay profitable.

This is us getting better lives and the people that want us dead or buried losing strength. That a company is getting profit or is even there is a secondary issue at best.

The sheer number? What? 6, 8? Out of 170k NPCs, all of which are parts of side quests and don’t even read as specifically LGBTQIA+ unless you talk to them and think about it?

Oh yes, definitely pandering. Why just the other week I watched the film Spirited, and you know what? Will Farrel’s character was attracted to a… woman. Can you believe how they’re pandering that to us?

Murlocs are to be hated, especially in Elwynn forest, they should not be treated lightly.

Or, as the case may be, a bad joke like this one from AZmerloth.

They don’t care, not even if it changes, when society changes, for them it’s an opportunity, they’ve always done the same thing for years.

That’s why you have to be careful, obviously it would be in support, but it should be interesting, not to turn even a FROGS into LGBT.

Internalised Homophobia is still homophobia.


If you’re uncomfortable seeing a lot of people like you represented in this game, then I would suggest you look inward for the reason why rather than project it outward onto everyone else. We are not done a “disservice” by representation, and it’s far from “courteous” for you to insist that it’s unrealistic. My life is filled with fellow LGBTQ+ people and my little gay heart could not possibly be happier to see all of these lovely couples just out living their lives and being happy together. We should all be so lucky.

I hope you’re able to find some peace and unlearn the internalized homophobia that makes you recoil at the sight of your own community.


Who cares, go plug this crap in the LGBTQIDABC forum you screamed to have created.

…so the joke is, it’s a “the water is turning the frogs gay!” meme reference?

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Psst: Nataeris isn’t really a gay person who hasn’t read the forums since launch. They are an alt. They might even be YOUR alt, for all we know.

Double Psst: Did you know that frogs are capable of changing sex as they like?

I am gay and I am tired of constantly being harrassed and attacked by members of the LGB and T demographic, being attacked by liberals, progressives and leftists and even here on gaming forums getting constant silences.

It’s annoying.

Make it stop. Please spaghetti lord of the forums, almighty master of trolls, and creator of all things fast food will you end this blight upon us.

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Being gay doesn’t prevent you from being a piece of crap. Being a piece of crap gets you reported, silenced and banned.


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Having a differing opinion or pointing out the objective truth of material reality does not equal “being a piece of crap” no matter how many character insults you falsely throw at me :v:

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Opinions are like buttholes; many of them stink. Pretending like opinions can’t be stupid or wrong is dumb.

You’re entitled to your opinions; you’re not entitled to proffer it free from judgment or social recourse. Either have your opinion in silence, or deal with the consequences of sharing it.

When an opinion is rooted in the observation of a fact, it is seldom “wrong”. Facts aren’t wrong, and neither are observations about material reality.

What you claim to be reality simply isn’t more than your opinion. Repeating those claims ad nauseum doesn’t make them any more true.



:poop: < your opinion. Fact. Because I said so.

I agree, buff DH.

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Sounds awful lot like an inquisition. I guess we have come the full circle.