A courteous word about LGBT representation

Love this guy, give him an award.

You are claiming being silenced while, literally not being silenced?

No one here is silencing you, they are debating you.

Here’s a simple solution:
Just make a game. Don’t force anything into it.

As the OP stated, the actual LGB population is about 8%
You want to toss a couple or two in? Fine. I won’t begrudge that. However, as Nataeris has pointed out, there comes a point where you’ve gone beyond what you could reasonably expect and have officially entered the realm of parody.

Case in point:

Well, it was a good effort, but sadly it would seem some folks here think you’re lying.
I’m only about ten posts deep into an 800+ post thread. Knowing how accepting progressives are when it comes to people with a different opinion, I have no doubt there’s at least one LGB person in this thread accusing you of “not being gay enough.”

Anyway, hang in there Nataeris. Glad someone like you pointed out how far into parody this has gone, because if I or any other straight player tried to do this, then we’d be straight up crucified by the so called “tolerant left.”

but if it said ‘reunites with her husband’ you’d have never said a word, lmao.
just stop.
please dont put me in a position where I have to defend this stuff because you all are taking your personal issues too far.

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Humans are not the only animals that can have same-sex attraction. Also, it is a fantasy game, so putting a male frog with a husband is no big deal . I think it is funny that Asmon brought up Alex Jones, though.

This is not actually Blizzard’s goal. They’re trying to force in as much LGBT+ representation as possible.

Asmongold’s mom was supposedly a fan of Alex Jones since the 90s (he lives in the same city so they probably were able to listen to his radio show)

Also if Blizzard was thinking about Alex Jones when they made this then it’s not a good example of forced LGBT representation—it’s actually brilliant. They do these sorts of pop culture references all the time so I wouldn’t be surprised.

Okay so why are there any heterosexual relationships in Dragonflight at all? Nozdormu had a girlfriend, we already know Kalecgos is into girls but they could’ve made him bi and they didn’t, Alexstrasza’s consorts have been male, Ysera’s consort was also a dude, etc.

Thanks for the info. Alex Jones says some crazy stuff imo.

Yeah, I honestly would not be shocked. It was a perfect opportunity to make an Alex Jones reference lol.

Pokemon Home, and running around with friends in Rise is pretty fun. That’s on PC too now though.

Yeah I got it for pc, sadly my drive for it died sometime in fall.

This stuff is still going? :popcorn: :popcorn:

Cool, Love watching a small minority cry about stuff they say doesn’t matter yet they cried to get into said game…

Yep :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :bubble_tea: :bubble_tea: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

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I mean, in this thread not really. We talking about other video games rn

Who is crying? I’m very pleased with Dragonflight; it feels like it’s probably going to be the best expansion since Legion, and it will certainly be better than Classic, TBC, and WotLK

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Wait crap wrong thread lol ignore what I just said I am too tired for this rn

Let me know when you solve it.

I would say that they are returning to the realm of Shadowlands in a more aggressive way.

The problem I have already said, are they focusing on gameplay, role-playing, RPG and Lore? because 10.0 hype is not enough.

It may be true what you say, but as long as I don’t show anything if Blizzard really changed with the game experience, and I say what will come later in the expansion, I will continue to be concerned about what hasn’t changed anything yet.

I wish it was part of the fantasy, but nevertheless as long as it is not worth a freedom to use skimpys armors or bikinis gears in case of body 2.

I will say that it is a question of interest and whim and not of an art made for a fantasy.

I don’t get why people bring the statistics of the real world into things, but this is Warcraft. Its fantasy. Everyone can be gay. And like…Draenei and Elves who live thousands of years? They get to expiramentation. If you get my drift.

Anyway. If we must use real life statistics, look at the whole game. Dragonflight is making up for years of lost gay love.

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But it is just gaining a very delicate territory, and any small wrong action will ruin years of trying to give freedom to this community that needs to have the rights like everyone else.

That is why you have to be careful when there are communities that are not going to treat causally as another is adapting to this new system.

Worse with marketing, they are thinks only with money and not with the well-being of the community in the case that he only treats them as a source of money instead of just as an image and representation that is pleasing to the public as a whole.

This is why it’s actually proof of a good thing when companies start marketing to minorities.

No one thinks they care. (Individual employees might, but the Company does not). But what they do is think that the “Minority” is a big enough market share to be worth attracting and that the people they’ll alienate doing so are small enough that they don’t care if they lose that business.

IE from a marketing and numbers standpoint the bad people don’t matter.

hmmm… be careful swallowing those words, remember it’s bad, it’s bad, it doesn’t matter if it’s a common good.

You’ll just be sidelined like the milk cow, and you’ll only milk until you’re consumed enough to get even powdered milk.

marketing goes on and on, and the consequences don’t matter.

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Then why are you even here in the first place talking about it?

Did you or did you not post the following?

I mean, that right there alone puts you right in the middle of the discussion.
You did that yourself, not me.

That said, I very much agree with you on the matter. Blizzard has this really nasty habit of distracting from controversy and/or bad press by pandering to very loud, very vocal activists. Hell, look at Overwatch. Now, to my knowledge its just Tracer and Morrison/76, but in both cases it came on the heels of some sort of bad press about Blizzard.

Once is happenstance.
Twice is coincidence.
Three times is enemy action.

In any case, it was prominent enough for people to seriously start asking who Blizzard was going to out in Overwatch next when the first talk of the Cosby Suite nonsense started. If your own players/fans are calling attention to it, then it might be a sign that you’ve gone to that well a few too many times.

Anyway, as Nataeris has pointed out: the sheer number we’re seeing in Dragonflight is beyond parody. It’s blatant pandering. End of the day, it’s their game and they can do whatever they want with it, but they had best remember that no company is immune to “Get Woke, Go Broke” if you start pushing that crap way too hard.

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