A courteous word about LGBT representation

I think some people genuinely forget about that, just as they forget about surrogacy, and hell even adoption if you wanna go that far.

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What, do you draw straws to see whose turn it is to have kids in the trans community?


Lol you are dressed like a stripper in your profile, your attempt at mature discussion has failed.

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Wow that’s a lot of words.

Why are you back? Go be creepy somewhere else.

They saw someone mention kids and came back practically salivating.


Who’s alt does everyone think it is?

Its definitely not peaches, the English is way too good.

It’s not that weird druid that keeps calling everyone pedophiles either; not nearly enough drooling and venom.

There are quite a few other possible options though…

So? It’s all forced & contrived, just saying.

Some trans people save the reproductive material they need (eggs or the other thing) before they transition, and I think some pre-op trans people will temporarily go off hormones to do what is necessary to make babies. (Blaire White, an awful right-winger who I only mention because she’s a trans person who is probably recognizable to a lot of people, said she was doing this iirc.)

If the trans person is in a gay relationship then it’s possible to reproduce without bringing in a third party (e.g., a surrogate mother)

I know, right?!

Yeh, that’s really gross. Let’s target a group of people who have to work a bit harder at conceiving and then poke fun at them.

Would you cast the same ridicule upon cis, straight couples who need IVF? No you wouldn’t. I wonder why?

Idk what druid you’re talking about but this sounds like him, only maybe creepier? Idk it got weird.

Sounds to me like trans can’t reproduce then.

I wasn’t making fun of you. I legit was curious how that happens considering you can go back and forth between male and female.

I mean if we look at all the unhinged ppl in the history of the GD then it’s a very many few possible options

Lmao what?

She Sits on a Goaten throne!

Ahh now we have actual gaslighting.

Is there a gasdarkening?

Not over this. “Tell me you don’t know what a trans person is without telling me”

Uh…duh? I don’t participate in that community. I just know that you can choose to be male or female whenever you choose. That’s the message anyway.

With the way you make things up, there very well could be. Now if you could do the same with your brain…

I hope they add more lgbt stuff just because it bothers idiots so much