A courteous word about LGBT representation

Sure, but the end result would be the same… Genderless dragons. Why would dragons have any concept of gender?

usually not sober and making bad decisions.

Don’t do substances and queue into lfr n’zoth kids, it will not end well.

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You’re not my real mom.

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omg this made me chuckle :joy:

The fun part is my own gave me a bit of hell over what I did
until I asked her if she did it.


but thats how i do my mythic+!

Can’t wait for BFA timewalking and Nzoth :slight_smile:

the correct ask is “WHAT are their concepts of gender?”

By the elements!

Shadowlands time travel

You stop that immediately.
I’m still trying to parse what happened in WoD.

Seems pretty fluid, if we take Chromie and Selistra at face value. :person_shrugging: Crazy how a fabricated people take on a fabricated and usually representative form of reality, huh?

well the orcs happened.
and then the demons happened.
an then they had weird peace.

and Yrel almost converted the entire planet into worship of the light.

Yrel was a mistake of a goat.

We don’t want her.

The Holy Goaten Empire.

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The problem not only depends on a misrepresentation of the LGBT, such as the inclusion of many things that are only a trend and an image in front of other bureaucratic and political organizations that have nothing to do with video games but nevertheless get involved in a business and managed way. that mostly affects any particular company in the USA.

But it is also not known IF REALLY is focused again on these inclusion images compared to the quality of the video game.

Because the interface, the elimination of boring content that affected modern WoW, and others casuals systems that are like mythic+, pvp and Raids is only the tip of the iceberg that many supposedly say that it is the best expansion knowing that Dragonflight has not finished.

I said it several times, I SAID IT SEVERAL DAMN TIMES…!!! since it started in Shadowlands, it’s just the beginning of X.0.0, it’s not the end of the expansion and it’s not part of drowning in hype like most of them do like stupid.

And the worst thing on top of a good gameplay, Role, game narrative and lore, they focused only on the image representation of an NPC like Pelagos, now what resulted in Shadowlands? NOTHING, just the worst expansion, UNTIL NOW.

Now we are in Dragonflight, and I see that the representation in people who support the causes, as they are against it is disappointed because it is out of logic and context for the role-playing game and lore.

Something that we are still going beyond the tip of the iceberg to see if in reality the experience will be so boring again and only to feed ourselves on copium and hopium of an expansion that tells us that nothing has changed in the game experience.

Only time will tell when it progresses.

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Welcome back.

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We’re still here… Unfortunately.

hehe… your shutup duckiesuit…

Well since it’s a round 2, and I’m going to say it, I’m going to keep saying it, I don’t care if I make a spam post until the news devs hear that they are doing it, they are wrong.

Because in the end they will end up with the same cringe that is happening with Disney and the same image and representation that led to a future failure in the history of animation.

Good lord do people still think trans people can’t have kids? I’m trans and have 2 kids, and I know loads of queer families. Continuation of the species is not a cis-straight-people-only club, and never has been.