A courteous word about LGBT representation

Don’t talk about the ducks.

Good point, we should abolish gender entirely for Dragons. Non-binary dragons!

Game’s made by a company in a western and eurocentric (in views) country.
Who would’a thought.

Oh man the ducks are like low hanging fruit
sides, ain’t it mostly mallards we attribute that to?

I’m sure we could use wood ducks…
I HOPE we can use wood ducks.

I honestly don’t remember. I just think it’s funny that they’re this forbidden dark topic.

It’s a tired argument. I literally see it all the time, multiple times a day.

You see a gay character in a game or a movie and then it’s like all these usual suspects come out of the woodworks like

“Oh, there’s gay couples and so on in the game?? What’s next, cars and animals and groomers?”

Everyone always tells them no, that’s literally not what any of this is about but it goes in one ear and out the other. They only believe what they want to hear, whatever reinforces their narrative.

Debating them is a fundamental waste of time. But I like to think maybe other people looking from the outside in can perhaps read through these topics and understand how completely ridiculous it sounds to a sane, rational individual that has not been radicalized by fox or something.

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It’s just wild that there are people who really think education = grooming.
I’m starting to understand you’ll a bit better now about how some people just can’t be reasoned with.

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Whether you agree or not. This is how you present an argument, for constructive criticism, or critiquing

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They’re in the same vein as dolphins.

They look cute until you look beyond the surface.

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Umm, it doesn’t really bother me so much, it’s just obviously bothers a lot of other people. I stated my thoughts on sexuality as a whole in this game. I just don’t pay attention to quests or quest dialogue anymore really. Also, Tetris was dope.

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Off topic yet on: the only reason to have a nintendo sub on your switch is for Tetris 99.

Change my mind.

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Honestly Nintendo would have to pay me to support them in any way shape or form.

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Do I need to list out all the heterosexual relations we’ve had in this game since 2004? :roll_eyes:

Blizzard gives other types of relationship some time in the sun and the forums throw a fit.

8% of the world is homosexual? That’s nice. Where are you getting any stats saying that same stat applies to the fictional world of Azeroth?


Hate to tell you this, but the L piece is a lesbian


All you’d really need to say is just

on repeat
until they remember what Cataclysm was like.

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Or we should treat ourselves as outside observers and visitors in their culture, and not try and force our views into it.

Let’s just say they do, for the sake of argument.

There are 170,000 NPCs in the game, roughly.

They’d have to lower that % a good bit to even pretend the game is unrealistically portraying that bogus %

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So you have no ability to suspend disbelief? how are you even playing games or consuming media?

Them: don’t bring real life into WoW!
Also them: here’s some (questionable) real world stats that should apply to WoW!

I’d wish they’d at least be consistent in their coping mechanism.


we had VERY good cleaning products until the scourge attacked.