A courteous word about LGBT representation

Im not the one who just said they felt and experimented with themselves at 10 year old. You have no idea how much you proved my point with how easy you enable the P.


It’s got me more than a touch worried.

What do you mean by this?

If I was any dumber, I wouldn’t assume that that’s a jab at us being akin to ahem…

well you know.

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Boys can literally start puberty from the age of 9. And how is whatever you’re talking about even remotely similar to me having my own realizations and curiosity about how my body works and what I’m attracted to? I think you’re confused with yourself, and should seek some therapy tbh

:joy: It’s been talked about to death by now. It seems to me that Blizzard went full Talonel style in regards to LGBT representation; have it pop up everywhere frequently and be super annoying about it, to the point that is detrimental to the actual endeavors of the LGBT community due to the implementation of as being seen as so forced.

And I say this as a homosexual man, too.

The way Blizzard is going about it is too much. Obviously this is not what the players want. As for myself personally, it’s not what I want either. (I don’t want to see sexuality/sexual orientation in WoW period, as I feel like it’s not an appropriate platform for it, as there are plenty of actual erotic games out there, but that’s just me. I just wanna play as a dragon that flies across the sky and breathes fire. :man_shrugging:)

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age of consent

How about answering me on that question you’ve been avoiding, huh?

What on Earth is this person even getting at. Did you’ll not have sex ed when you were 11 or 12?

And even if they’re not, they’re warping other people’s arguments to their own twisted agenda. Quite disgusting tbh

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Is this the part where I make a jab at America’s educational system or is that too much?

Okay, well if it bothers you so much then why don’t you play a game like Tetris that is completely free of sexuality?

This game has always had sexuality in it since the beginning, which is why there’s a famous quest in the Barrens where you’ve got to find some dude’s wife, etc. No one complained then—in fact I’ll check the Vanilla version of the Wowhead page right now to see who complained about heterosexuality being shoved down their throat, and it’s right here:

And no one complains about sexual orientation there. In fact the way I know you’re probably lying about being gay (something anyone can easily lie about) is that you’re ostensibly unaware of the double standard!

me: /looks at thread
minutes later…


Just finished that mission the other day.

I’d like to know how you’ll handle things tbh. Cause in my country they taught us things like “well your body is going to do some weird stuff, so this is what to look out for.” We usually approach things in a more scientific way so that it’s easy to talk about problems.

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I gotta ask what hair products that man uses.

Actually, his hair really looks greasy to me :face_vomiting:

Don’t look at me for educational help, all you’d get out of me is birds.

So I mean
we could teach sex ed in a way through birds that is age approps for kids.

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Why are we forcing western and eurocentric views of gender, gender roles, and sexuality onto a non-human, fictional dragon race?