A courteous word about LGBT representation

Except they can be.
Hell, one person has already given their experience of BEING one.

If kids can be straight, then kids can be lgbt+ as well. That’s how it works.

It’s again, very telling that you group us together with people who seek to cause undue harm to children. It’s almost like you think we’re them.
And that persistent thought is being used to justify the ever-increasing amount of hate we’re getting. You are causing us undue hate, even if you don’t intend for that because you ascribe to that nonsensical mindset.

In short, your words and actions will cause people to be killed.

But I mean I guess you’re ok with kids being hurt in all this, so long as they’re lgbt+ huh?

It’s not what they think, it’s their last ditch effort to “win.”

Leave kids alone until they’re ready to think about sex. How about that.

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I’d hope that’s what they think, and not that they actually think that paedos are part of the lgbt+ community.

Because they’re not.
They never have been or will be.

Have you actually taken any time to listen to people in the community? If you want to fight so hard against these things, the least you can do is actually take the time to learn.

I was literally 9 when I knew. No one taught me, no one showed me anything. Religious household as well. Crazy I know. You know what would’ve been amazing though? Actual support and education.

LGBT+ matters are not just about sex. Did you miss the part where I mentioned gender?

The point flew over your head faster than a peregrine falcon diving for dinner.

So at 9, you said you wanted to bang another person of the same sex? :smile:


How about you stop talking about kids, and maybe stay away from them?

Yeah that user right there.

I knew I was attracted to guys and started ‘exploring’ with myself as soon as I was 10. What can I say, I’m an early bloomer.

You know how disingenuous you’re being. Why not give up? Go drink some water. Watch a show.

When you falsely accuse LGBTQ+ people minding their own business as having some sort of nefarious purpose, it runs afowl of the CoC.

You do not have to agree with the rules but you’ve already accepted them regardless.

So, when you flag someone who says something transphobic and someone who doesn’t say something transphobic, the one that got flagged for something transphobic is the thing that gets actioned.

It’s not a political thing, it’s not a left thing or a right thing or an upside down thing. It’s quite literally, the people who typically say the things you do happens to correlate to the people breaking the rules. Or to put it in layman’s terms: bork around and find out.

So, i give up. If you want to paint this victim narrative for yourself you have fun with that.

So you’re comfortable with grooming. Got it.

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Oh I know, I just hope they know they’re pushing people away and hope they don’t end up using the “oh you’ll are just silencing me” narrative when it’s just their nasty attitude

Is this like the one thing you got? You’re getting boring

You keep going back to grooming like it’s some gotcha when you’re the only person focused on it to like

a disturbing degree.

Please, I say this genuinely: seek psychiatric help.

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They’re self-aware. That’s why they’ve yet to respond to my question about poka-yoke. They know where I was going, and how it more or less devalues everything they’ve said thus far.

Still jarring that someone with that level of education acts like this, or uses “have went to” in their sentences.

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It’s a political thing. You can stop protecting them. Also, loosen that armband will ya? You’re being almost too good of a comrade.

This guy sure thinks about children and sex a lot.

Kind of sus…


No seriously. Also how is it that this website, that easily shut down two threads consecutively, is just ignoring the person referring to gay people as groomers and the ‘p’ word and making creepy comments about children.

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I don’t know, and it has me a touch worried.

Like I understand the forums is where we come to slag off and square off, but this is a cut below even our dumbest moments.