A courteous word about LGBT representation

It hasn’t quite crossed the line yet for me to flag anything, but it’s damn close.

Once again, the only people who bring up the sexual aspect is you guys. I am simply reacting to it.

Demonstrably false. Play fiddle to a less aware group.

While you’re at it, answer my question. Seems you’re confused about why sexual education happens before age of consent.

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You’re the one focused on consent. I never really brought that up.

Hell, when I talk about lgbt+ matters I can relate to, and that I can help others with…none of that has anything to do with sex. It’s all gender baby on my end.

How does it feel knowing that no matter what you guys say, you have the power of silencing the voices of anyone that goes against your narrative. With such an imbalance of power, what makes you think the lgbt is in anyway inconvenienced when voices like mines are silenced while yours is allowed to reign freely?

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We. You can flag us just the same.

It feels pretty nice actually to silence people obsessed with kids.

Do you think someone calling themselves gay = them being sexual lol?

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Except the difference is that your reports will be acknowledged. And mine wont.

And there’s another thing you haven’t factored: why haven’t I reported you all once while most the people against me have readily and even admitted to reporting my posts? And Ive already been suspended once.

Again, imbalance of power.

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Ask yourself why. Someone with a Master’s, no matter how ridiculous their syntax when they type, should be able to critically think that one out.

Wow, if your reports aren’t being acknowledged that’s probably because they’re false reports.

Nooo, it has to be evil Blizzard, not my own actions that are fault.

Yes, i like protecting kids from predators.

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Dude of all the people here, you’re the one I wouldn’t want near kids.

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Then if youre as smart as you think you are, then you know what is going on here and why you have no high horse to stand on.

“False reports.” Well, reports are only true when they agree with the staff.

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Only one I see here that might even fit that criteria is you.

I don’t want any child, be they straight or lgbt+, near you at all. You have said some genuinely concerning things in this topic that even I won’t touch with a 10 foot long pole.

Should schools be allowed to celebrate Valentine’s Day and let kids hand each other cards with hearts on them and whatnot? Seems kinda sexual, like maybe they’re grooming kids to be sexual and have romantic relationships :thinking:

(According to the new right-wing definition of the term “grooming” at least)

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Also plenty of people from ‘our side’ have gotten actioned recently. So once again where’s the false narrative coming from :thinking:

I am as smart as I think I am.

What’s going on here is you’ve lost grip of any semblance of argument, so you’re clinging desperately to a one-dimensional generalization of people who are supportive of something you’re not. A non-sequitur generalization.

So unfortunately for you, yes I do.

I mean I got one of my posts hidden earlier for telling someone to whine less and gear up more.

But nah Blizz is on our side always. /s


What is wrong with you?

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