A courteous word about LGBT representation

You must think that you can only be gay if you have sex; in reality, you’re gay if you are sexually attracted exclusively or almost exclusively to members of the same sex, regardless of whether you act on it.

Teaching kids that although most depictions of romantic relationships they’ve probably seen in culture involve two sexes, there are some people who are attracted to the same sex, and if you’re one of them, having same sex attractions is not evil, does not mean you’re going to hell (because the Bible is fake anyway), and is not a justification for others to treat you as less than, actually seems like a totally legitimate thing for schools to teach

Nowhere is consent mentioned.

You do not choose if you are gay or straight. And you do not know until you go through puberty and begin feeling attraction to whoever you feel attraction to.

During those years, I remember being terrified. Having a mother who abused me for liking girls rather than boys. And expressing interest in girls and not boys.

Seeing wlw normalized would have helped my own mental state immensely.

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No, you gave a tiktok channel. Because there’s no such thing as a unified left agenda or a unified LGBTQIA+ agenda. It’d be like you asking me to prove the right was some thing or other and I shared a youtuber…

Seriously. I get that you don’t have real sources, because they aren’t out there, but this is nonsense and you can’t seriously claim otherwise.

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Louder please

and apply to all large scale communities.

I honestly didn’t notice anything youbpointed out as being pro LGBQ. Don’t particularly care, but sometimes writers go a bit too far with agendas, when we really just want a a good story.

It must have been done well, since a enjoyed the story and didn’t notice.

A lot of things LibsOfTikTok posts aren’t even really objectionable; they include pictures of teachers who have BLM and rainbow flags in their classroom and hairstyles that are a little unconventional but not inappropriate for school or whatever.

Some of those teachers are identified and turn out to be really chill IRL, but because they’re very ostentatiously progressive (or look like someone who is probably not a conservative), they get death threats from LoTT’s followers.

Even Andrew Sullivan, who is basically a right-wing troll whose main thing is being professionally transphobic now (and was previously a big fan of LoTT), said this in response to a (now deleted) LoTT tweet;

This is a perfectly sane teacher responding to kids’ questions. It seems increasingly clear that this campaign is now driven by vicious homophobia. Moderates take note.

(This was in response to a video LoTT posted about a teacher being asked if they were gay—which they were.)

The name feels so much like satire.

Yeah but I doubt when you were born or even in preschool, you went “Mmm…look at that boy over there. I will like a piece of that” :smile:

how is this even relevant, why are you being creepy

So we agree that kids should not learn about sex until a certain age.

Honestly, the lack of response by the mods to this thread is kinda messed up.

Like this is just gross, and Harley’s just been spewing homophobic garbage all day. Did the mods just decide to shut the other threads down and go on an extended lunch or something?

Well given all the remarks about kids earlier…

It’s funny, how the people who accuse the community of grooming kids tend to be the selfsame thing they’re supposed railing against.

Yes they went a bit overboard with the gay couples, i agree.

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Basically it’s an account whose whole purpose is making fun of liberal (in the US sense of the word) or progressive people—mainly LGBT people though. The account’s influence is so massive that I wouldn’t be surprised if the Colorado nightclub shooter was probably a fan, because LoTT posts so much about drag queens and stuff like that, and the nightclub was known for having drag shows. They’ve previously been linked to bomb threats to children’s hospitals (although to be fair they can’t take all the credit because there’s also Matt Walsh, Ben Shapiro’s minion)

Even Elon Musk is a fan which is why the account is never going to get banned even though it should in my opinion. (Not even the old Twitter administration would do what needed to be done so there’s no chance with someone who is as in bed with the far right as Elon.)

Right around puberty.

Something something age of consent.

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Are you familiar with the practice of poka-yoke?

This person’s focus on the sexual aspect is actually a little disconcerting.
And this ain’t me being a mudkicker, this is me being a little weirded out on how focused, if not obsessed they are about it.

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I do find it interesting how some people keep using it as a point. These things don’t even come up in my mind, so I’m wondering what they must be thinking of all day if they bring it up all the time.

No it’s creepy and gross and they should’ve been banned awhile ago.

It’s lowkey kinda frustrating that someone can just spew homophobic, creepy vitriol for hours and have no response.