A courteous word about LGBT representation

Or maybe because it’s not, and you’re making things up.

So explain.
Don’t give me an excuse about ‘how I can’t see it’, because that’s a copout we can all see.

So you’re unable to actually source, cite or give a real definition just a broad tiktok category that you think reflects real life. Gotcha…

Hide what and why? You still haven’t given any type of logic or details here.

No, it’s not. It’s about who you’re attracted to, which eventually leads to sex yes, but it’s not, in itself, about sex. Also, you’re leaving out the Non-Binary and Trans portions there which are about identity and not about sex at all. You can just admit you don’t know the subject you’re talking about, might go easier for you.

I gave no except when, I gave examples of inhumane treatment. A Doctor cannot deny medical assistance over sexuality or religion or whatever, A bakery can absolutely deny business and should be able to, right or wrong of them.

So you have no argument and are tossing the ball down the road to avoid dealing with it, understood.

And there’s the issue right there. You somehow see LGBTQIA+ people are abnormal, wrong or incorrect to exist. You are factually wrong according to Doctors, Scientists and decent moral people the world over.

Guess that wraps up the conversation, off to play the game. We’ll see how this is in the morning. If it’s still here.

I mean, there are only male dorfs, so point against yourself.

It definitely seems like an over correction on Blizzard’s end from their bad publicity during SL. But I don’t really care as I don’t have a horse in this race.

Because they are? I have personal experience being attracted only to dudes at a young age; I didn’t act on it obviously but if I googled “is it okay to be gay” I’d find websites run by Bible thumpers who would be like “No, it is not okay to be gay. The Bible says in Leviticus, blah blah blah” and it probably would’ve been nice if schools had provided a counternarrative!

I saw a Facebook meme a few minutes ago. It said something like

“It’s Christmas Eve not Christmas Steve. Go be lesbian”

Extremely well said! I totally agree with you!!! It is a game. Why not play it? Try not to nit pik every little thing. Just enjoy it.

I literally gave you a channel reference/source. I also signed that comment “gl” meaning I hope you take the time to check it out.

But you didn’t. You’re right here pretending exposing the left grooming children doesn’t exist.

kinda case closed amirite.

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No one did. :slight_smile:
I mean half the people pushing for that to happen where FBI, noticed you skipped that part. If the idea of We the people had marched, things would be going much different. No one tried to do anything that day. Keep pushing lies. By the same people pushing all of the following…

How about all that russia russia stuff…? Yet it came out that was a lie and made up…
The drug compines asking for amnesty because of that vaccine that so many people were pushing/forcing has turned out to have a LOT of side effects. 1mill plus dead from it.

Elon dropped a nice bomb on twitter, Goverment controlling misinformation the same ones that lied about the russian dossier,guess that was all conspiracy.

I mean so much has been proven time and time again to be lies and fake news. Yet you just gobble it up. Go watch CNN or MSNBC some more. I am sure they can continue to blame Trump for something, like the wars, gas prices, energy crisis and open borders.


I mean I am not a rabbit hole kinda guy, but I am a common sense and reality kinda guy.

Carry on now. Kiddo

You just generalized right here. Libsoftictok does not represent the whole entire left.

That’s a lotta words for ‘I’m an idiot’ but you do you, champ.
So I guess that girl dying was a load of drok then huh? Gonna ignore the footage of her getting blasted from 2 dif angles?

That’s what I’m saying.
Obviously there are people on the left who don’t know what they’re supporting when they support the left.
Like that shaman Kakiti or whatever in this thread. But that person also refuses to check out that channel I mentioned so :man_shrugging:t5:

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lgbt can be who or whatever they want. But when you act outside the norm of society, dont be surprised when someone people become alert. It’ll be the same thing if religion became this sudden big trend of people doing something despite it not representing the majority of society.

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Sexualizing children is wrong.

That is also not happening by lgbt people.

Lgbt youth are a thing that exists because you are BORN gay. You do not turn gay.

These lgbt children can ve confused, and terrified because what THEY feel does not align with society. Or is outright condemned. Normalizing the existance of gay people in society reduces their stress, trauma and reduces the chance of suicidal ideation in youth and helps their mental health.

Sexualizing children is wrong. Teaching children that fundamental aspects of their existance are normal is not.



You didn’t have consent at that age so I do not know why you consider that as an example.

Oh I see. But, you can be left leaning and not support libsoftictok and that channel’s views/beliefs.

Well if you’re left-leaning, you shouldn’t be supporting hate.
Which is what LibsofTiktok is.


If you were born gay, then you are arguing that children have consent. That they know right away that they will be banging the same sex, even when they are a baby being diapered and fed.

See how senile that argument sounds now?

I don’t know much about libsoftiktoc. But, the stuff I heard about it are not good things.

I agree 100%

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