A courteous word about LGBT representation

Can you smell what the Left is pushing

With all that has been proven, people like you are a lost cause.

Then again you are the people who are Feelings over Facts so I am not surpised.

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So you are gonna use one social media channel to generalize a whole group of people. That is disingenuous as hell.

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Can I see a picture of the CRT material? I think it’s incredible that children are being taught graduate shool level concepts

Hey, me. It’s been a minute – hope you had a nice break from this pit of a thread.

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Probably the same reason why they think Blizzard shouldn’t exercise their freedom of speech because they want to be the ones that control discourse.

My people didn’t raid the capitol on Jan 6th a few years ago tho.

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I was until it was time to do Halls of Infusion. I despise that last boss/gauntlet.

Except hidden from kids.

lgbt is literally about sex. Teaching people to love one another is not special to the lgbt (as I said before, religion classes that are grooming kids to save their virginity and get married and go to church every sunday).

You literally agreed with me. Stop going “except when.”

This is a psychology fundamental involving a kid being raised at home with a mother and a father. Too big of a topic for this thread.

Teaching kids that being a lgbt person is okay. Which IS grooming.

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Explain how that is grooming.

I actually don’t think they know what freedom of speech means.

Oh I hate that one too, it’s so stressful healing it.


Didn’t you just deny two of my proven works already? You’re not getting a third. Go get your own. :angry:

All they’ve done is proven my point about them. “Victimhood” or not, really, how does one expect someone to feel after what’s been said about the LGBTQ+ community here for the past… EIGHT DAYS?


But that’s just me.

I was literally asked to produce what I produced in that comment.
If you have children, this is a small piece of easily accessible insight towards who are grooming your children behind closed public doors on tax dollars. This does not make up the whole of course, or ‘generalize’ as you put it. The rot goes deep.

When was the last time you were in the culture of centaurs? Much less attending a wedding?

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This gives it away, LOL. If it’s not okay to be LGBT then why isn’t it okay to bully LGBT kids? Are you going to say you think that should be okay too?

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Didn’t you say you graduated with a Master’s?

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Yet you can’t explain why you’re advocating against freedom of speech?

If you can’t see how it is, then I cannot

Why do kids have to be lgbt? Stop that.

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