A courteous word about LGBT representation

You are actually delusional if you think ESG (something that has existed for awhile) is the reason there’s more LGBT representation now. Remember: every expansion is planned out like two expansions in advance.

What is the first expansion that had confirmed LGBT representation? Battle for Azeroth (because of Flynn and Shaw).

What expansion was current content when gay marriage was legalized nationwide in the US? Warlords of Draenor, which is two expansions before. Wow!

Citation needed.

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The only people who bring up lgbt education being good for kids is you all. People like me just tell you how sick it is.

What do you mean by “people like me”?

Snowpine left because they have a life to get to.

We do not.


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lol, I’m not the one closing my eyes in the face of deplorable acts.
I’ve criticized it twice with quotes here, and you are both pretending it’s not a leftist talking point while also trying to personally insult me.

You’re not edge, you’re egregious.

Well ofc you find it sick, it’s been pretty apparent since you started calling us ‘abcd people’ that you don’t like our community.

Hence why we’re rude to you in turn. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


Okay then. Denounce that lgbt material should be taught to kids. Say it. And I’ll take back what I said.

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Why you calling me out like that lol :rofl:

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It takes less keystrokes to say ‘It doesn’t exist’ then that barrage of excuses.

arent most drac’thyr naked…?

Idk how he got me mixed up with Snowpine, we were both active when he started raging on this thread :person_shrugging:

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Normal people. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Teaching kids about lgbt+ stuff =/= grooming kids.

Man, yall really hate lgbt+ youth.

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What does normal mean to you?

I’ll instead say this: You are a glowing example, troll or genuine, of why this game’s community is seen so unfavorably. You have made me and others feel unwelcome, unwanted, and unsafe. You have ascribed things to us that are wholly untrue, and twisted our own words to support yourself.

God I am inching closer and closer to my normal mood of ‘mom the americans are being stupid again.’

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They do! I was a gay kid once (I’m an adult now) and I definitely think that, for the benefit of all present and future LGBT kids, LGBT people should not be treated as a taboo subject—because it shouldn’t be. Bible thumpers will have to get over it!

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I agree. Report the person that said we need more sexuality in content for children in this thread. All the lefties here that can’t admit that is disgusting don’t need to be reported though, they’re just brainwashed and have worked hard to earn their freedom of speech here.

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